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Posts posted by Conor

  1. Someone recommended to me to overline the DC FT blanks by one or TWO wieghts. Maybe I'll go with a 5 wt blank and use the softer spline. I'd be hesitant to build on a 4 wt planning on using a 6 wt. I do tend to like slower rods, however.


    Any other blanks that someone might recommend? The price is certainly right on the DC blanks.

  2. I have some trouble with line control (mending) with longer casts. Also, most of the bigger fish I have lost have been way the hell out in the river. I think a 10ft might help me out in both cases. I high stick the closer water when nymphing, so a longer rod would be a bonus. I'm also interested in practicing some single handed spey stuff.


    I won't buy a rod I don't want just to get the length, but ideally...

  3. Got any ideas for an all around Bow River rod?


    I want something 9'6" to 10' 6 wt in a low to moderate price range. This will be a nymphing rod with some lighter streamer and heavier hopper fishing. I use a different dry fly rod.

  4. I use the Anvil Atlas. Its the rotary version of the Apex. Its right in the $200 range. It is what I would call "middle of the road." The jaws chipped after about 6 months. I haven't dealt with the company yet re: replacement. Best case scenario I am out of a vice while the jaws go to the states and back.


    I am kicking myself for not getting something like a Renzetti/Regal/NorVise etc.

  5. Unless you plan on traveling to Mexico City or "boarder towns" you will not have to worry about crime any more than you do here. How many murders have you heard about in "toursit" Mexico this year? How many in Calgary? Many more in Calgary, and Calgary is a very safe city by north American standards.


    Personally, I would be more worried walking around the beltline area at night than I would walking around Cancun at night. The tourist industry in Mexico is big business, and I am sure the policing reflects that. Mexico is likely one of the safest "budget" holidays.


    That said, I would still recommend to save some extra cash and travel to a tropical destination that has a thriving economy, not an impoverished one. The third world tropical vacation destinations tend to be riddled with corruption and the money spent there never trickles down to the people of the country.

  6. I don't have experience with good quality vises, unfortunately. I recommend you don't make the same mistake.


    $200 is middle of the road. I recommend either bumping that up to $300+ and getting a high quality tool that will last a lifetime (some of the experts here could recommend one, I'm sure), or cutting it short and getting something in the $100 range that you will replace every few years.

  7. I just replaced mine. Worked like a charm. Glue the boot side or the felt, let dry and then slap it on the boot with some new glue. Lots of duct tape to hold pressure.


    I found a dremel on low speed worked really well to to trim the felt after the glue set. It melted the edge of the felt and left it hard. I think it might add some durability.

  8. Wow. A bamboo blank without a $500+ planing form!? This might be my first bamboo blank.


    Any ideas on where I might get a usable culm locally? I'd rather not pay shipping for a high quality culm that I will butcher.


    Also, any recommendations on a budget minded plane?

  9. Yeah. It kicked my ambition up a notch. I won't attempt anything like that, but my one solid piece plan is scrapped.


    I'd like to see yours, Russ. It sounds like it might be a bit more in-line with my skill/ambition level.


    I decided to keep the tension mechanism simple. I am going to position eye screws along the base and insert a ceramic bobbin through the eye. The bobbin will give the tension to the spool and an elastic cord will keep the blank under tension to keep the bobbin from slipping down. Should do the trick.

  10. I am planning on throwing together a wrapping jig to wrap and finish a bamboo blank this winter.


    I was wondering if some people here have built one. I am particularly interested in ideas for the thread tensioner. I'll be using silk, so I think I need tension on the spool, not the thread, to avoid fraying.


    I am planning on a very basic jig, unless someone has some extras they think I might need.


    I've used a cardboard box and a bobbin before, but I am looking for something a bit more permanent.

  11. CDone- how did your banty rods and up casting? I have been interested in throwing one together, but have been skeptical of how a shortened taper would cast. Also, I was doubtful that shortening a 5/6 wt would result in a 3/4 wt.

  12. I have ~400 days on a pair of simms freestones. They look like they did the day I bought them. Bombproof. I'll be replacing the felt soon, and I expect to get another couple hundred days on them.


    Ankle support is good. They are a bit heavy; not exactly high tech.


    Get a good pair of boot laces if you get this pair and throw them on right away. I spent a few days laced up with twine or tippet before I put a pair of synthetic boot laces on them. Made the on-off even easier than it was before, and they are much more durable.

  13. I know this s a rehashed topic, but I couldn't find a thread in the search feature for some reason.


    I am in the market for a new pair of waders. With the loonie so high, I am looking on-line and some sweet deals are tempting me away from my previous leaning of Simms Guide.


    Does anyone have any long-term experience with some of these models:


    Cloudveil 8x

    LL bean


    Simms guide


    Any other "defiantly buy again" favorites?


    I have about a 100-150 trips on my Ovis mid-level (Gold medal?) breathables. I also have a similar number of aquaseal repairs, starting within a dozen trips. They are beyond repair now and need replacing.

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