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Everything posted by localanglr

  1. i try to horse them in if possible, the only problem i see is i tend to bend out alot of the smaller nbymph hooks or snap off. so i started buying 2x heavy hooks instead of standard wire and it seems to be helping out
  2. i had a few mustads bend out on me before as well, i switched to using diiachi and tiemco and havent bent one out since
  3. all i know is if someboddy had the balls to throw rocks at my boat they would be in for a good ass kickin! lol but try to stay away from each other, if u ar ein the boat u do cover lots of water no need no run people wading over
  4. dont put silicone on a drain, if u gota take it apart again itll be a pain in the ass! i would use some pipe dope, unless its the sink outlet then putty or silicone
  5. thanks, hopefully we will hook into some
  6. ive never fished the crow and was thinkin of heading down that way tommrow, wheres a decent spot to park that doesnt involve lots of hiking cause my gf will be comming with
  7. buy a small can of pipe dope and put in on the threads when u put the trap back on it should stop the leak and u wont have to hero it on =)
  8. these r for the bow, i guess ill tie em smaller =0
  9. what size should i be tieng these in i did a couple in like a size 12, wondering if i should go smaller
  10. when they snap off liek that is it from "whipping" ur leader and the whip is what actually snaps it off? ive had that problem a few times..... not with a 2 hander but sometimes when its windy my flys are suddenly gone
  11. i choose loop to loop so u arent loosing 2" of fly line each time u change your leader, i dont know about u guys but i change my leaders quite often
  12. i use loop to loop, tying the perfection loop for my knot
  13. i loose more flys to trees then the bottom and fish
  14. i caught this bow last winter before i started flyfishing he hit a bozzbomb and is still the biggest bow i have pulled out of the bow.
  15. try and make the minnow look injured or disoriented.. trout will take the easy meal, irratic strips sometimes work good for me
  16. im definatly not a pro, but u can swing with no strip or with strips. cast upstream/across and strip it back to u. using a leech u can dredge it along the bottom where the leeches are... hell u could even use and indicator and dead drift if u wanted.. its all up to the fish i guess. try different things and let the fish decide what it wants to eat.
  17. haha nightvision for fishing, thats sounds good~!
  18. those trout are from the lake no?
  19. try swingin a wet/dry or streamer past em
  20. this isnt a huge one but i like the pic
  21. ill take a xxl hoodie and a medium
  22. i picked up a 17" rainbow from the zoo saturday morning on a #14 phesant, i was just dead drifting
  23. get heavier line and horse them in lol
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