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Posts posted by duanec

  1. Best first year investment: time.

    Don't let the Bow discourage you. It may seem impossible at first, but one day something will click and you'll wonder why you ever thought it was so difficult.


    agree totally. my rookie year [actually 2 years] was a complete wash - i snagged one whitefish.

    i went on a lake trip year 2 with a group of friends of friends who were all well-seasoned, and during that [fishing was very tough] the coin dropped. i compare it to learning to swing a golf club the correct way. basically i watched everyone else one entire day [we were all in boats] and cast just a whatever pattern...i relaxed and focused on casting, what they did and what i did not do, etc. it started coming. it was like after i sorta gave into the frustration and wind knots and snagged trees and lost flies, it started to click. after that at least i could cast a little, i started learning about bugs, did a few guided trips and found some fishing pals and asked a million questions, found a good fly shop that gave good advice...

    15 years later i still learn an incredible amount every year. this site is a fantastic resource that i wish i had back then, that's for sure.

    keep at it my friend, the rewards are tremendous.

  2. What brand did you go for?


    i got the olympus. best buy had the 8 MP [i think that's the starting point now] on for $270. the 10 MP was another $100. it's waterproof to 3 meters, freezeproof to like -10 or something and shockproof. i bought it as a buddy has one for since xmas and said it's pretty bulletproof - he has dropped it onto concrete, had it in mud & sandy conditions, etc.

    i got to figure out how to use it properly and take decent underwater shots now, some that have been posted here look awesome.

  3. bought one of those olympus cameras last week and was dying to get some shots...was out the last 4 nights in a row and got skunked all 4. wtf. started thinkin it was the camera curse, but broke it in last night: managed to land a few on a streamer after dark.

    still working out the kinks but it's a start. love the camera.



  4. LOVE this thread.

    i too like many have gone for a swade, mine was in very early spring near Canmore many years ago. stupidly tried to cross the river, but apart from the heart-stopping cold water i quickly realized my waders were not going to fill up or cause me to drown, although i was worried about a log jam downstream. almost died getting back to my vehilce tho and i remember stripping completely down right beside a family on a picnic to get some warm clothes on [not pretty] - i was too hypothermic to care.

    since then i have actually intentionally jumped into the river with my waders on to retrieve a hat [hey, it's a lucky hat], and again apart from getting a little wet i was never in any danger. plus it was a nice day in August.

    like Harps posted, the key is: don't panic, feet downstream, backrow with your arms and kick your way to the shore when you can.

  5. jayvee i use a swivel like mentioned.

    adds weight and i find i tangle much less.


    brilliant idea! thanks i'll try that.

    i also agree that leaders, tippet etc. have a limited lifespan, keeping them out of the sun/away from things like fly dope & sunscreen extends of course but eventually they will break down.


    i just bought some brand new tippet & leaders from a shop i normally don't frequent [shall remain nameless, got a gift cert], reputable brands i normally don't use, but and for whatever reason some of the leaders & tippet is already crap. i break 3x leaders in half by straightening them and can't even knot the 5x tippet.

    probably old stock they pushed on me? i dunno.

  6. No kidding about those life jackets - even in calm water!

    At the lodge we went to, anyone going out unguided had to wait until the fish master went out and had to stay in radio contact with him (i.e. where he was fishing, when he was going in, coming out etc.). That way if there was any trouble or any word of storms, the fish master would be able to round everyone up.


    i stayed at a lodge up there several times, and even though we were all [thankfully] guided there, on a few trips the guides were restricted by the fish master as to what areas we could fish due to weather or high seas. we also were not allowed out without the full mustang suits on, at best we were allowed to open the zipper up, and they can get quite hot.

    i have a buddy who stayed at another lodge [unguided] and related a story getting into some serious trouble very quickly one day near some rocks, and he is not a novice boater. i have never gone unguided...always am more comforatble letting an experienced guide pilot the boat...i can cut bait and fish like many others but i don't boat in 10'+ swells very much.

    really a tragic story - condolences to friends & family.

  7. Hey, just recently picked up some new flyline from Scientific Angler called Shark line, Went out twice with it so far and l have to say l dont think l have seen a better floating line yet. Anyone else pick up this product yet its AWESOME.


    I did not purchase it when replacing my lines this year based on some feedback from a shop that does guiding - they tried using it but replaced it on all thier outfitting gear. They did say it floats well but over time some of the drawbacks became more of an issue.


    good to hear another opinion.

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