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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. aint that the truth... unfortunately... cohod
  2. Tough luck monger...any luck in recovering the run away? cohod
  3. All species of pacific salmon in the salt and in the river Atlantic Salmon Steelhead both summer and winter Cutthroat Rainbow Brown Dolly Varden Bass (small and large) Pike White fish Perch Crappie Carp Catfish (total fluke) Sheeps head As well as many assorted dog’s bird’s people (my self included) a Beaver (long line release) An otter also a long line release And I’m sure all kinds of other stuff I cant remember ( way to many years of substance abuse ) cohod
  4. I'll check 'em out thanks a bunch. cohod
  5. so my drag tension cap fell off it also holds the reel together...TS2(into the river) can any one tell me who in the city deals with Islander Reels? Or ware I can find parts? I've been trying to deal with Islander... but so far no reply any help would be great With out this part I cant fish HELP! Thanks cohod
  6. I'll give the Dyna King a look thanks LeRoy. Thanks for all the feed back guys! still doing lots of research so please keep the suggestions coming. cohod
  7. right on guys Thanks for the info... I was looking for some direction, my last vise lasted 20 years and couldn't tell you the name of it...done the online searching and spent some time today looking at some different vices... I've been out of the loop for a bit now so I was looking for some advise as to what direction to go lots of crap out there. Thanks again cohod
  8. My old Vise gave up Last night so I'm on the hunt for a new one. Looking for some advise... Criteria: must be able to use it for small nymphs and drys to big pike and saltwater fly's and also not cost an arm and a leg...is there such a beast out there? what do you suggest? Thanks All cohod
  9. I wanted to take a second and thank all the members here for all the offers for flies,gear,advise I have tried to send a pm to every one that has stepped up, to say thank you. if I have missed anyone THANK YOU! I am truly amazed at the generosity of the people here I hope I have the chance to repay the kindness forward. I will not break the chain sorta speak. Thanks all Dan
  10. thanks for the info cohod
  11. x2 I have 2 well now 1 put them through hell and back. I have never had a prob salt, winter steel for 10+ years little maintenance is needed great reels... imo cohod
  12. Thanks Remi you already have. cohod
  13. Wow… I don’t know what to say. Thank you. You have no idea how my faith in my fellow man has been shaken in the last few years…you guys have really helped restore that faith that there are still good people out there. I showed my wife this thread and it near brought it her to tears I know it’s just an offer of flies but to be honest we have not been on the receiving end of such generosity, so to those that have offered thank you. I have been tying most every night since the truck was stolen and have got a couple boxes tied up not the variety I’m used to, but all my go-too’s . over the next few weeks I’ll be replacing my waders and vest so I can get back out on the water the rod and reels will take a little longer…waiting to hear what the adjuster has to say. So again thanks to the members that have offered both here and via PM This is a great site with great members I’m happy to be apart of it. I only hope I can repay the kindness shown to me. cohod
  14. Thats is a very kind offer...thank you. I still have a few other rods and reels just nothing to go along with them. I guess a few nights at the bench will take care of that. time will tell if insurance will cover any of the contents its funny I feel more victimized by the insurance company than the punks that took my truck. until I can get back out on the water I will just have to live vicariously through every one here. so post lots of pics! cohod
  15. Hey all, my truck was stolen last week and in the truck was all my fishing gear...so if any one out there gets a good deal on a 10ft Scott 5wt Tioga reel and a ts2 islander reel 2 gps units Orvise breathable's vest 6 fly boxes along with all my dog training gear 2 pairs of bino's camera ETC please let me know or call the Calgary police Thanks cohod
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