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Posts posted by Glenbow

  1. Get a Mac. Period. I have 2 now and will never go back. The commercials are actually true. A toaster should make toast, not turn the toast blue & make you turn it off & then still get either burnt toast or just the bread you put into it. The Mac will make beautiful toast for you, time after time. Just my analogy.

  2. Sweet fish T,

    You just cursed yourself professing this year to be the one where you beat the teacher, and proposing a wager. Another lesson in the persnickety business of fly-fishing.


    All that said, kick his arse if you can! May you both post new Alberta records.



  3. I am soooooo glad he got caught. The fine is good, I kinda wish that all his fishing equipment got taken too, and a fishing suspension for a bit longer woulda been nice too. I can't believe some people, it is disgusting to think that this goes on. I wish too that he got it at the lake where it happened, but at least he got it.

  4. Thanks again all you guys,

    I am waiting to take him to the river until after the ice shelves are gone, that way I can figure out if he's a water-spaz and it'll be somewhat safer for both of us. I sure am looking forward to taking him out to my favorite streams this summer.

  5. I would agree with Flytyer. You might wan to consider a few in black too. I really believe that in many cases colour is not a deciding factor for trout, I think it can often be a 'light vs. dark' thing for resembling what is on the menu. However, that being said I can't help but carry all the colours with me anyhow!

  6. Hi Spey guys...in an effort to become more informed and possibly ostrasized (sp?)....


    I really don't get it...why Spey? I could see it in larger rivers and I do understand that it looks cool and must be fun to throw...but...in the end...do you really need Spey on the Bow? I mean it must be a bitch to carry around and, at best, an expensive indulgence in a pointless activity?




    The Target


    P.S. Secretly asking 'cause it does look cool.....





    Is Spey necessary on the Bow? I don't think so. Will it enhance your fishing experience? Very likely. They are different questions. It will open up a bit more water for you to play in and likely catch some fish that are out of reach for most others. It is really not a bitch to carry around, and I haven't found it to be any more expensive than single handed stuff. I like it a lot for the places it allows me to fish much more easily than I could with the single hander. That being said, I like both casting styles and will never give up the single hander for anything. I will use the Spey when it suits me and when I think it'll make the water that I am fishing more accessible to me. I hope that helps some.

  7. Here's my new fishing buddy Jesse. He's a 2 year old black lab, and he's a great & well trained dog. 95 lbs of gear-carrying fishing buddy for me! We adopted him 2 days ago, and aside from the cats living in hiding, he's been a great guy so far.









    No, not one of my cats! :lol:



  8. I have to say that the TFO is a good piece of hardware for the $$, with a warranty to match. Affordable and are really decent. In fact I like my TFO better than my Orvis Clearwater, which cost twice as much. That being said, the Orvis TLS is a great rod at around $400 or so but that is a long way from $250. I can't help much more than that. Brent's advice is really what I would suggest too. Cast a couple side by side so you can feel them yourself & you'll know right away what you like better.

  9. "Oldman" is a shortened version of it's original native name "The Old Man That Played On The River", who is Na'pi - I cannot recall if it is Blackfoot or Peigan, but I think it's Blackfoot. It is explained in a book I read on Jerry Potts, the 1/2 native 1/2 white guide that really helped the NWMP in the early days out in these parts.

  10. I love my Orvis TLS, I have a 4wt & a 6wt. I would also recommend the GLoomis Streamdance GLX as I can hardly believe what that rod will do. For reels, I love my Battenkill Mid & my Trions. Great reels and not big $$. I fish much the same water as you list above, and my set-ups work perfectly. I can't even cast to the capabilities of the rods I own.

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