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About brewingup

  • Birthday 05/28/1976

Profile Information

  • Location
    west calgary

brewingup's Achievements


Mayfly (4/10)



  1. I'm still recovering from the Backstreet concert a few years ago. Therapy has almost reached the amount the tickets cost me.
  2. It's free if you just use it for viewing and costs 3$ if you want to use it to make posts, etc. I also have an iphone and enjoy the convenience of not having to pinch the screen to zoom in or out, everything 'fits'.
  3. I might be staying at the interlakes campground this weekend. I have fished the upper and lower lake before, with some success. However I'm wondering: Am I wasting my time if I fish the shore at the interlakes campground? Should I go elsewhere to fish (i.e. dam)? How are the upper / lower lake fishing these days? Should I go somewhere else in k-country (will have kids with me on at least one outing)? Wooly Bugger vs. Streamer vs. any other recommendations? Any help would be appreciated. I know the lakes can be super tough to fish and don't want to be in a position of disappointing my kids or questioning whether i will ever be able to catch a fish in my lifetime. thanks! brew ps. might have a coulpe kayaks at my disposal.
  4. Howdy, They recently enabled tapatalk on the flyfishbc forum and i have been using it on my iphone and love it. Is there any way an admin can install the plugin for ffc? Check out the site: http://tapatalk.com/ also, here's a cross-post from ffbc with some more info: http://www.flyfishbc.com/forums/threads/48...ighlight=iphone (not sure if you need an acct to view) Anyway, it's available for lots of phones (iphone, bb, nokia, etc) and makes viewing the forum much more user friendly on a handheld. Plus it keeps your account info stored so you don't have to worry about entering your username / pw all the time.
  5. http://gizmodo.com/5555462/what-is-this
  6. http://www.bigfishtackle.com/photos/data/5...k_bass_boat.jpg
  7. Practice??? Sounds like you created a new sport.
  8. brewingup

    Upgrade Time

    Here's the problem I ran into when I started upgrading... I pretty much just had a 5wt TFO (decent) setup. I wanted something special. I realized it didn't make sense to get another 5wt, so I got a really sweet 3wt setup (i fish the elbow quite a bit). Then I got a sweet 7/8 switch setup (for the coast and here). I'm not sure what's next, but the last thing I'll likely upgrade is my 5wt. I guess what i'm getting at is that you're going to eventually realize that you'll need one of everything (depending on where you fish most) and it might make sense not to upgrade your current rod wt but to start expanding your collection with equipment you will want to keep for a lifetime. In other words you're screwed and will end up spending way more money than you will want to admit to anyone.
  9. You got my blood pumping just reading that. Congrats on the fish of a lifetime! You forgot to mention exactly where you were, what you were using, time of day, etc... meh. just PM me was also gonna say... i fish the elbow a lot and one thing i like is how much the river changes year to year after runoff. New / different runs, holes, logs, etc. Keeps it interesting and challenging. Exploring new stuff is a lot of fun!
  10. I picked up a 7/8 surf from Courtney on the Island last week before he hit calgary (hardy reel & both elixer and tonic lines). I love it! This is my first switch setup and i am very happy with it. I wonder if I will touch another rod again.
  11. i thought you were going to say you saw a body floating down the river - typical sign of spring in Calgary
  12. http://www.windannalabs.com/ Charlie and Judy breed beautiful labs, but i think there is a waiting list. If they don't have any coming up they might be able to point you in the right direction as they know all / most of the breeders around the province and even the country.
  13. I've passed this on to someone i work with who used to work at Telus, who in turn has emailed your story to one of the directors at Telus. I'll let you know if the effort bears any fruit.
  14. It's been a while since I've noticed any posts on spey casting hey.... I'm at the point where I'm strongly considering getting my first spey set up. This is mainly due to the fact that i've spent a fair bit of time over the past couple years now beach fishing on vancouver island. I've been frustrated a few times (especially during higher tides) with little / no room for back casts plus issues getting the distance i need to reach rising fish, etc. What casting / rod style should i be looking into. i want something I can use on the bow and the ocean. Something that casts far, requires little - no backcast. I'm the kind of guy that picks the lighter rod over the heavier rod when i can, etc... I'm thinking Skagit is the way to go? How much farther can i reasonably expect to cast with a spey rod? What do most people in calgary use? Do you use your spey rods always on the bow? Sometimes? (i've never seen anyone spey casting on the bow). Any feedback will be helpful. And I'm sure attending the trade show would be a big help for me too. thx
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