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  1. Looks Great
  2. Hmm ok this i dont get. You want some nice new radical or kool design for the fly fishing logo, so all these people pros or not do some neet or different designs, and then you go with the regular one you had in the first place. That no offense looks like um...crap...flame me if you want but you could do alot better imo. So i vote no for any color or the logo...jmo.
  3. No, no charcoal just pencil and shrinkage in photoshop...more to come hopefully, and thanks:)
  4. Another and just to show you that i am an artist and not just this quick spunk some of the art I have done. So i can draw fish and stuff but conceptuals i always go quick and slopy to see what might work . Anyways no biggie still go tsome other ideas i will work on also when i get the time going here.
  5. Some more not use to this uploading system for pictures
  6. OK sorry its taken so long had a rough weekend and work and life in general heres some really really quick rough draft ideas I did for the logo or design just some really quickies.I Also have over 3000 fonts so thats no worrie also.
  7. BobLowlaw and Maxwell thaks alot sould have a few rough drafts by the end of the long weekend for people to look at if all goes well and im not fishing or range shooting or being barried under my kids toys and jumped on LOL Hope you all have a great weekend Fish Long Fly Hard!
  8. Im an artist and graphic designer and am working on some ideas,be patient I will post some roughs soon as i finish them all...also Im new and a friend of another on this board and group so hello and post you soon .
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