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I've been using one for about a year without a problem..it uses UV light to alter the DNA of various nasty things making them incapable of reproducing


My father in law manages one of the Calgary treatment plants (expert in water treatment) and when I showed it to him he had real doubts about its effectiveness - now that said, I have never gotten sick, even last week at the Blackstone we found a carcass in the water a few hundred meters from where we used water and still had no illness to show for it.


from practical point of view the thing is awesome because I don't need to carry water at all, just a .5l bottle which takes 38 seconds to treat per bottle.


I was wondering if others here use one, and if anyone has had a negative experience ?

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Though I do not have experience with this product, years ago I was involved in aquatics, as well as the "hot tub/spa" industry and there has been similar technology (on the commercial side) used in those industries for many years... The main draw back with the (commercial) technology as I was taught/told, was that it is indeed effective but only within a specific time frame as the strength of the UV bulb quickly becomes weaker with age (not sure on the exact figures or time frame, but was shown not to be as effective for very long after the initial start up). I would think that with the decrease in the strength of the battery in the "Steri-pen" (as well as the "life" of the bulb), it too would lose it's effectiveness even quicker... Again, I must qualify this as I DO NOT have specific info relating to this or expeierence with this product... Though food for thought...



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Guest rickleblanc

I bought one of those...things. Thank goodness MEC has such a good return policy. Before I had sterilized 20 litres I went through 3 sets of batteries. I don't care why, I just can't rely on it.


Filter all the way, tablets for backup.



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