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Edit 2009 Pink Salmon

Guest FoamStoner

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Guest Jeremie

Fished the campbell for three days and caught around 60 between the three of us, we only really fished in the morning and then late afternoon till dark.








Not bad for casting when he just picked up the rod that morning! He ended up landed about 10 fish and my dad ended up landed a measily 4 fish, and guess who landed the rest? =D




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Guest Jeremie

Most fish where caught right out back of our cabin about 200 yards downstream which was the Roderick haig brown pool. You could litterily see the silvery bullets swimming up the river. Saw a 8 pound buck coho landed and saw a 10lb+ lost.



this one was a too long of a fight so i apologize for any feelings hurt. But as you can see he swam away fine, you can see other fish moving up the river in the background.

this one was snagged unfortunatly not counted in fish landed.











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Guest Jeremie

Yup, he really likes fly fishing, so im hoping we can get out more. His uncle and my dad used to fish a lot together so im hoping we can get out to muir, beaver or my hidden unknown lake with bigg honkin ass cuts! =)

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Guest Jeremie

Only tried it for 15 minutes but i did slam 2 right in the corner of the mouth, some of the fish where so fresh, they where still willing to chase a small streamer quite a distances. So we just stuck with normal hooks because i didn't have any of right size for the pinks! But i will definitly try them for chum in october!

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