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Bye Bye Burnsmead?

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If you read the signs you would know that they are moving the parking lot 400 meters west of its current location, Bankside parklot and washrooms are gone. I was talking to some of the seryares (sp?) and was told basically they are taking the entire feild and turning it into settling pounds (I belive he said there would be 3 pounds in total)


Right now this is just a test with them doing one in fish creek by bernsmead and the other test site is up Fish Creek in the section that runs by Canyon Medows.


To me I think this is a great test project and with less setilment in the main river and alot less crap beeing washes in the river it can only be for the best, IMO.

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The sign I saw at the Burnsmead parking lot didn't say anything about it being relocated, just that there would be a settling pond there and explaining what that meant. Not a bad thing to have them, I was just surprised that it hadn't come up here before since that's a bit of a popular spot.

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Most people that I have talked to that fish that area regulary didn't know either, I think they just saw the sign and kept on walking, and sorry the noticed was on the one that is posted on the washrooms doors.

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