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Now This Makes Me Laugh

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So apparently Marc Emery, the "Prince of Pot" is going to jail in the US for distributing pot a,d money laundering. Here are a couple of quotes

"Sometimes being in jail, the right person like me can insire people to get angry and to get motivated, to do something to take up the cause.".


Cuz as everyone knows, pot smokers are known for their anger and motivation!


And this gem:

"I'm always shocked how many people in our movement still don't vote, still don't think it is worthwhile."


Really Marc? Out of curiosity, have you ever spoke to anyone in your movement? Would have thought you may have picked up on a touch of apathy. Im just sayin.


No offense to some members here, but seriously. This guy is utterly hysterical.

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Emery is having a "Farewell Tour". For a mere $500 for airfare and a hotel room you too can have him visit your town so you can listen to him ramble on for 2 or 3 hours. He won't do bars or pubs though... I hear he doesn't like smoke filled rooms.



Honestly though, this guy is nothing more than an egotistical, narcissistic, self serving prick that has been preying on a culture that consists primarily of young adults who can't see through his BS. The guy is going to plead guilty and do the time, but at the same time try and maintain the business he has been running that got him into trouble in the first place. As far as I’m concerned if he has any ties whatsoever to the Cannabis industry while serving his time then he should not be released at all.




I have to agree with Rickr on this one, this guy is utterly hysterical.

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