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Help Changing Network And Password For Router (mac)

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Mac users and computer knowledgeable types.


I'm wanting to change my router network and password (Hawking HWRGM1A) and haven't been able to do it via the manual instructions or by simply deleting the previous network name/password and renaming. Can anyone walk me through the process (in laymen's lingo, please)


PM me direct if necessary.





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I have some tenants that are no longer paying to share so need to change it so they can't use it.




Why would you want to change the network? The password should be simple enough to do. I'm using Airport and tap into a Linksys network with no issue at all
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Well.. I'm not very good with MAC's.. but on a PC, you typically just need to type the IP address of the router into your browser. Most routers have a default IP address of So maybe try opening up Safari and typing that address into the address bar where you would normally type in www.flyfishcalgary.com.


If it's correct, you'll get a prompt for a username/password. Again, by default, most routers are either admin/admin, admin/password, or admin with no password.


Once you're into the configuration page of your router, you should then be able to set the wireless security settings. You can either change the password for accessing the wireless network, or you could set it so that only one computer (or however many you have at your place) can connect to it by limiting the number of IP addresses it hands out. Typically this is done by setting an "DHCP IP address range".


I.E. - If your routers address is, and you connect a computer to the wireless network, it will typically get the IP address, the next will get 1.3.. etc. So what you can do is make it so that your router will only give out 1 or 2 IP addresses.. if any more computers try to connect to it, they will not be able.



Hopefully that's layman enough for you.. if not, feel free to ask more and I'll try my best to explain better.

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Thanks Birch, I'll give it a try!






Well.. I'm not very good with MAC's.. but on a PC, you typically just need to type the IP address of the router into your browser. Most routers have a default IP address of So maybe try opening up Safari and typing that address into the address bar where you would normally type in www.flyfishcalgary.com.


If it's correct, you'll get a prompt for a username/password. Again, by default, most routers are either admin/admin, admin/password, or admin with no password.


Once you're into the configuration page of your router, you should then be able to set the wireless security settings. You can either change the password for accessing the wireless network, or you could set it so that only one computer (or however many you have at your place) can connect to it by limiting the number of IP addresses it hands out. Typically this is done by setting an "DHCP IP address range".


I.E. - If your routers address is, and you connect a computer to the wireless network, it will typically get the IP address, the next will get 1.3.. etc. So what you can do is make it so that your router will only give out 1 or 2 IP addresses.. if any more computers try to connect to it, they will not be able.



Hopefully that's layman enough for you.. if not, feel free to ask more and I'll try my best to explain better.

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