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High Quality Printing??

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Hi all,


Have been trying to find a decent place to blow up and print some of my pics. Have tried a couple places but they didnt turn out well (smudges and imprints on the paper..ended up taking them back. It's not an issue of my mp or anything just their printers..


Does anyone have a place in Calgary that they know of that has good printing [high dpi(dots per square inche)] capabilities??


Thanks for any feedback.

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Hopefully your pics are shot in a RAW format......jpeg's suck for blowups

Try either Vistek or the Camera Store.......here's a tip if using Vistek; when preping your file, process it with the printer profile that you can download from Vistek's website....it'll be for the downtown location

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RAW is good for sure, but there is too much emphasis on the technology than on technique I am afraid. It ain't necessarily the technology and software as much as the dude pushing the buttons--needless to say, the equipment has to be good. Simply saying "jpeg's suck for blowups" is misleading.


I shoot a lot of jpgs (and some RAW) with good technique and good lenses. Taken properly, jpegs make large prints that are tack sharp with good color ranges and tones and no noise. Good technique such as suitable shutter speeds, tripods and understanding of light will gain a photographer way more quality than blindly going to RAW. Shooting RAW with poor technique and marginal lens quality will gain nothing. For 80+ percent of my pictures I would defy anyone to see a quality difference in (say) a pair of 11 by 14-inch prints.. one shot in RAW and one in XF jpg. There are indeed times where post processing RAW files will possibly show superior results.





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ABL Imaging is reportedly the best place in town. In fact, a few guys I know send their stuff in from out of province just to get it printed there. But they'll be the most expensive of your options. I'm pretty sure the Camera Store gets their stuff printed through Nova Photo, so you might want to price compare if you go with them. It might be cheaper if you go directly through Nova.

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I work for promotional product plus, we have a 24" and a 64" printer! What do you want it printed to? paper or a vinal sticker for your car...you get where im going with this. We can produce most anything you can imagine.


If you want to chat rip me a PM and i would be glad to help you out.

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