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Have You Ever Had A 'civilian' Question You About Where You Were Fishing?

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I just thought of something that happened to me last year in BC that I've never seen or heard of in Alberta.


I was rigging up to go fishing on the Slocan River when a neighbor that was in his front yard approached me. He made conversation for a bit, stated that he wasn't a fisherman himself, but then asked me "are you sure you're ALLOWED to fish here?"


I reassured him by showing him the regulations..



Didn't really think too much of it until afterwards. The guy wasn't even a fisherman and yet felt it appropriate to make sure I knew that I was allowed there! Pretty cool if you ask me. I'd say if more people did that it would help the poaching situation at least a little bit.


That being said.. have you guys ever had that happen? That was a first for me..

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I have had similiar situations on different waters in different places. I always got the feeling that it was a landowner who would just rather not see me fishing next to his property. It is amazing how many people I have ran into that own land on the riverbank and think they own all the way to the water's edge. This was more steelheading on the coast though. Have never had that happen here.

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