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On A Day Like Today.

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I was down at the Bow again today. 22X, same as always, not sure why I keep going there, but meh, whatever. Anyway, on a day like today, where it's not as hot, cloudy and a chance of rain, what's the best technique? I tried swinging a bead head, then I tried nymphing, and then swung a streamer. Nothing. I actually saw what was either a brook trout, or a really small rainbow or brown leap clear out of the water (must not have been much more than 6 or 7 inches long), but other than that, I had NO luck at all. When I finally packed it in, I was walking the bank back to the car and saw a nice 15-16" trout dart off away from the bank. So I KNOW there are fish there, I just can't catch em'!

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I was down at the Bow again today. 22X, same as always, not sure why I keep going there, but meh, whatever. Anyway, on a day like today, where it's not as hot, cloudy and a chance of rain, what's the best technique? I tried swinging a bead head, then I tried nymphing, and then swung a streamer. Nothing. I actually saw what was either a brook trout, or a really small rainbow or brown leap clear out of the water (must not have been much more than 6 or 7 inches long), but other than that, I had NO luck at all. When I finally packed it in, I was walking the bank back to the car and saw a nice 15-16" trout dart off away from the bank. So I KNOW there are fish there, I just can't catch em'!


I got out for about a Hour today before i had to run off do banking and pay for my university and such. Was doing really well with the hopper dropper with small nymphs down a good 2 -3 feet from the hopper, had 4 hookups, 1 to hand at 18-19 inches and numerous takes that i was either to slow or not paying attention.


I had read in a previous post that you said you were new to fly fishing, or were learning. Make sure that your getting solid drifts when your using the nymph and like you had mentioned above with spooking the fish, fish the shore lines. All fish i had today were in less then Knee deep water along higher banks or on the edges of runs that most people would step in and fish from. I always work my way out and fish the shallow water first before i move into the main run. You would be amazed at how many fish you get from those areas and not small ones either.


Hope that helps man

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Could be a lot of different things. Some people think that when there are big changes in barometric pressure, like going from a really nice day to a crappy one, it puts the fish down. If you do a search for "barometric" or "barometer" you'll find a couple of threads on it.

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had good luck with the hopper dropper today tight too the banks but once the rain stuck around i swung some streamers with some taps btu it wasnt stellar like the morning... best ebt is too rememebr fish's metabolism will drop with colder water temps.. baro pressure does affect fish to but they are still feeding u jstu halfto switch up your tactics and possibly location.. focus on teh slower water...

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I got out for about a Hour today before i had to run off do banking and pay for my university and such. Was doing really well with the hopper dropper with small nymphs down a good 2 -3 feet from the hopper, had 4 hookups, 1 to hand at 18-19 inches and numerous takes that i was either to slow or not paying attention.


I had read in a previous post that you said you were new to fly fishing, or were learning. Make sure that your getting solid drifts when your using the nymph and like you had mentioned above with spooking the fish, fish the shore lines. All fish i had today were in less then Knee deep water along higher banks or on the edges of runs that most people would step in and fish from. I always work my way out and fish the shallow water first before i move into the main run. You would be amazed at how many fish you get from those areas and not small ones either.


Hope that helps man


Thanks, I will try to keep that in mind next time!

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Here is a little secret that will help you out.


COFIIDENCE. Have cofinidence when you go out to the river and remeber the best out there have tuff days too (Note: no way in hell would I classifie myself as beeing in the same grouping as THE BEST)


Also maybe try a diffrent run, if that area is close for you maybe try the hullswood to Bernsmead section. Diffrent water structure, diffrent food supply, more croweded lol, etc...


I find that if I get stuck in the rut that I go to the same spot day in and day out and get nothing it is usally the fish gods telling me that I need to explore some new water.


One of these days I'll try and get out with you and we can go and catch nothing togather (Note: I am nutoriously known for hooking into lots of trout but my landing ratio isn't the best.)

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Here is a little secret that will help you out.


COFIIDENCE. Have cofinidence when you go out to the river and remeber the best out there have tuff days too (Note: no way in hell would I classifie myself as beeing in the same grouping as THE BEST)


Also maybe try a diffrent run, if that area is close for you maybe try the hullswood to Bernsmead section. Diffrent water structure, diffrent food supply, more croweded lol, etc...


I find that if I get stuck in the rut that I go to the same spot day in and day out and get nothing it is usally the fish gods telling me that I need to explore some new water.


One of these days I'll try and get out with you and we can go and catch nothing togather (Note: I am nutoriously known for hooking into lots of trout but my landing ratio isn't the best.)

Hey, sounds like a plan!


I can catch nothing with the best of them! :laxfisher:

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Was out for a walk with the family today right around where you're fishing. I didn't even have polarized glasses with me, but I spotted two really decent browns right off the bank, then counted 5 nice rainbows sipping trikes within 100 yards of river. Two of the rainbows were in such shallow water that their back was creating a surface disturbance. They were just tipping up their nose to gulp the tiny dries. Sure made me wish that I'd had a rod with me.


Spend a little more time watching, and creep up to the bank nice and slow in the likely looking spots. You'll be amazed where fish will lie.

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