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Remember A Little Curtesy Goes A Long Way

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Hey all,

By a lot of recent posts on the board there seems to me that there has been quite a few people just starting out fly fishing and taking on the sport and to all of you good on ya. But lets just go over one the primary unwritten rules of fishing


"if you see a guy fishing a stretch of water don't walk 30' downstream and start fishing without saying a word"


Last night I had this happen to me. I was fishing a very well know run and while I was rigging up after a break off I looked up and seen a guy and his girl looking down at me. I says how's it going he says okay or something along the lines of and then proceeds to walk down the bank and starts fishing with his girl.


A simple "hey man do you mind if I fish the tail out or the head of the run" is all it takes. I don't mind sharing my water at all. But there is plenty of water out there to be crowding somebody's run uninvited, the bow is a pretty big peice of water.


I did however did take pride into hooking into four or five decent rainbows while they were there and they didn't even get a sniff.


And dude if you are on here and reading this next time at least give me a hello and maybe share a fly with you.

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This one time i was fishing a prime stretch of water, like i mean awesome. Was getting some mad fish. Then this guy shows up with spacers in his ears and long hair and is all like "Dudeeeeeeee sweet bigguuh feesh" casts like 3-4 casts in and catch's a 26incher. Needless to say i was choked. Haha jk, on a serious note thou it happens, but like you said LK, alot of these people are especially new to the sport and have no idea of what we consider common courtesy. So personally i would like to thank you for starting a thread like this to inform those just learning that there are some un written rules and to never be afraid to walk up and chat to some fellow anglers as for the most part alot of people are willing to share a great conversation and share a pool with ya.

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