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Bc Fishing

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Hi fishers,


I am heading to BC for a few days, and thought I might try my luck on the other side of the hill... I will be making a tour from castle mountain junction, golden, then radium then back home (3 days).


Anyone have a nice place to reccommend some fishing? I will be a support vehicle for a bunch of bike riders, so I will have to be near the road, but I figure I will have 2-3 hours to fish every day.




J to the izzo

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Well, I am back, and the fishing was a bit harder than I expected as most everything was closed or in runoff... But I did get some lake fishing in for cruising brookies, and that was great fun catching small but beautiful fishies....


Anyhows, anyone have some favorites areound the windermere area as I will be there for a triathelon in a few months and would like to give it another shot.


Catch y'all.



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Sounds like you did Ok in spite of the conditions. Sorry I didn't see your first posting or I would have pointed you towards some good fishing. Send me an email before you go next time and I'll be happy to share a few of my favorite places along your way.


You can email me at kingfisherrodbuilding@hotmail.com




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