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Guest Tpuppy

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Guest Tpuppy

Hi all and happy Friday. I have no Idea about fly fishing other then I bought a crappy rod from canadian tire. It's kinda a kit and have never used it. I'm looking at getting into the sport and am stopping by chapters today for some info. I have one question tho, what is the river / stream that runs beside Hunters Valley Rd. and is there fish in there? I look forward to learning from the members here and once I figure out how to tie a few knots I think I will take a course from one of the local shops.


Thanks and have a great weekend.

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Get a hold of books like "blue ribbon bow" "the essential guide to fly fishing" and "fly fishing western trout streams" and "fishing the forestry trunk road" you'll be set to get a good start. Don't start on the Bow, start on some smaller rivers unless you got a huge itch right now, and then you could try the bow I guess. It's hard though. Maybe hire someone like max for a day, he's doing spring specials and having someone like him teach you will take a LOT of time off the learning curve and give you a good knowledge base on which to go forward with. Good luck, and ... welcome! :lol:

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Welcome to the site.


On top of what Hawgstopper said I would sign up for a beginner clinic at on of the shops. helped me imeasurably last year and read the previous posts a tonne of good tips reside on this forum.




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Hanson's does a Fly Fishing Boot Camp. $200.00 for about 6 (or more) hours of what the gear is called and what it does, knots, casting instruction, and a bit of fishing on the Bow at the end. Oh, and you get to keep the rod and reel (or get $200 in store credit instead.) Really good deal,


Whatever you choose, best of luck. You are in for a lot of fun!


Edit: You may want to consider this clinic once you get comfortable with casting. Great help in learning to nymph fish.Very effective on the Bow! Nymph Clinic

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