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Hey I don't know a lot about this but the little I have read concerns me. Just figured all the people on here may want to view this information and then take action that supports their views. Here is a cut and paste of the email for those who have not received the email.


Federal Parliament Vote Friday Is Critical For Anglers

Join Us for a National Anglers "Phone Your MP" Day

A vote scheduled for Friday in the House of Commons on federal animal cruelty legislation (Bill S 203) will be critical for people who fish and hunt. S-203 protects anglers and hunters and other traditional animal uses while significantly increasing fines and penalties for wanton animal abuses.


The US based animal rights groups like the International Fund for Animal Welfare and others are mounting a full scale effort against this legislation. For ten years they have aggressively supported alternative legislation (C-373) which would make it a crime to kill a fish or a deer, even if the animal dies immediately. Extensive legal opinion obtained by the CSIA from the firm of Lang Michener confirms these threats to our traditional outdoor heritage activities. A fishing license affords no legal protection for killing a fish.


In recent days the animal rights groups have mounted a last minute 'blitz' in the press and in Ottawa against S-203, and against legal protection for fishing and hunting. These are the same groups who led the campaign to ban spring bear hunting in Ontario and they are out to make it a crime to take your kids fishing.


Federal Members of Parliament need to hear TODAY from all of us who value our right to fish.


Call your MP's office right now and tell them you vote, and you want them to vote IN FAVOR of Bill S-203.


Stand up for our freedom to fish along with the other eight million Canadians who enjoy a day on the water - before the animal rights people make it a crime.


Find Out More

The Bill to support is called S-203, and is available online to review.



The Threat

Some animal rights groups want a different bill supported - one that would make it a crime to kill a fish.


To see the activitists' preferred legislation


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I don't really know a whole bunch about this, just what I've read on various boards here and back home. In the states, the animal rights groups are certainly trying to eliminate/outlaw fishing on cruelty to animals grounds. While eventually they may succeed, this success is years and years in the future, if ever. Far too many recreational hunters and fishermen (read: votes) for this to gain any traction, yet. But the younger generation is being taught differently than most of us were. If you don't get your children involved, they may tune in to the agenda of the animal rights groups and the day when fishing and hunting is banned gets closer.


That said, a far more dangerous tact these groups and others are taking in the near term are fishing exclusion zones. Basically like a wildlife preserve, but for fish. And the places they target just happen to coincide with the best fishing, go figure. Don't know if there is anything here like that, I sure hope not.

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