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Contest Stats

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just crunching some numbers of the tying contests over the winter and this is what i've come up with:


12 contests in total

91 different flies showcased :blink:(awesome!!!)

32 tiers participated

20 tiers entered more than one pattern


absolutely awesome to see the involvement once again this winter...thanks to all that have entered as well as those who have voted...


on a side note, i am in the progress of organizing the tourney and it should be up sometime within the next couple of days or so (pending whether or not i go fishing on sunday :P )...

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Hey, Dr.BT!

Thanks for your time & effort in running these contests. I don't tie, but I've sure enjoyed seeing the skillz of y'all on display.

I'm looking forward to the tourney; gonna be some awesome competition!

Have fun, everyone!

Andy: go fishin' on Sunday, Bro'! KOTV can wait one more day...

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