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Worst Day Ever Fishing Thread

Guest Sundancefisher

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I hope you didn't pay him. I would have told him to FO when he phoned to say he would be late.


There is only one well known guide I know of that I think would have the balls / stupidity / audacity / arrogance to bring his dog. I won’t say who I think it is as I’m sure everyone could choose their own.

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Hey sun, next weekend should be not too bad for me, but not first thing in the morning and it has to be around -5. i'm kind of sick of the -20 BS we are having and have very little tolerance for being cold since getting back from vacation. but i would love to come out. it would be fun. no way was that even on the scale of bad days fishing. giving up a fish so she could say she caught it... that was a bad day.

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Three fly fishermen are sitting around a campfire, out on the lonesome prairie, each with the bravado for which fly fisherman are famous. A night of tall tales begins. The first says, "I must be the meanest, toughest fly fisherman there is. Why, just the other day, a bull got loose down by the creek and gored six men before I wrestled it to the ground, by the horns, with my bare hands."

The second can't stand to be bested. "Why that's nothing. I was walking down the trail yesterday and a fifteen foot rattler slid out from under a rock and made a move for me. I grabbed that snake with my bare hands, bit its head off, and sucked the poison down in one gulp. And I'm still here today."

Fishhead remained silent, slowly stirring the coals with his penis.

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My worst Trip of fishing would be in B.C. on the Island... Was a very late morning so I finally went to the fly shop to get some flies and a licence ($45 for 3 days or a day, something stupid), Got some flies ($4.50 each I almost cried). Finally hit the River.... walked about an hour downstream.... Nothing and then it hit me, My stomach and me were not friends on this day, not only did I wish I had TP, but a bathroom would have been awesome. Oh did I mention that at this point I found some of the nicest looking water I have ever encountered, the hour before was shallow and about 2feet deep across the entire section. So as I am running back to my car of course I trip and fall, so now I am soaked and running. I make it back and am in such a hurry that I don’t bother to break down my rod and slam the door shut on the tip... SNAP, so the other 2 days of fishing I was going to do were ruined.... Ok so the next day we decide to do some salmon fishing out in the ocean as my fly rod is out of commission. So im out with my brother, his friends (Boat owner), and one of my friends... so we start trolling and im like Oh I had a bite... im quickly insured that it wasn’t a bite and us trout fisherman have no idea what a hit looks like... so we continue on and I see the other rod doing a similar motion. Of course I’m given the same response. So about 20min later we notice that the boat is taking on ALOT of water... I mean ALOT; oh *hit we have a hole... So we start GUNNING it for shore and me and my friend matt grab the lines and start bringing them in as fast as we can... Oh look at that each of the rigs has a small Red Fish? Or Rock Fish? not to sure what they were... Go figure, us trout fisherman eh... So we are going to shore and the water reaches the battery and boom, we are no better then a floating log or sinking log haha. What makes this funny is my brother 26, does not know how to swim which is ironic as he works on an off shore rig in the North Sea. So he is screaming for the flare gun, bellowing on the whistle as my friend and me are laughing hysterically. So we grab the oars and try and make some distance before we go down and loose everything. Turns out that we didn’t have a leak, however on salt-water engines there is an intake line that brings in salt water to cool the engine? not to sure I don’t know much about boats, and then spits the water back into the ocean. While ours was busted and the water was coming directly into the boat at a steady stream, so when the battery finally shorted out the engine stopped and so did the water. Needless to say we were the laughing stock of the fishing camp and every time anyone walked by our camp they were blowing the whistle. Funny to look back at now, but at the time I wasn’t to pleased :)

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