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Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast - Tips on fishing high alpine lakes, with George Hunker


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This week, my guest is long-time Orvis-endorsed guide George Hunker [49:26], who has won two awards (guide of the year and the coveted lifetime achievement award) for his excellence in creating wonderful experiences for his customers.  George has a lifetime of experience in fishing alpine lakes in the Wind River range in Wyoming, and his tips will be valuable to anyone who fishes these wilderness gems for trout.   In the Fly Box this week, we have a varied assortment of questions about tackle, fly tying, and techniques, including:
  • Am I missing out by just fishing close to home and not putting more exotic trips on the calendar?
  • How can I stop my streamer tails from wrapping around the bend of the hook?
  • Can I use a heavy switch rod for fishing in the surf in North Carolina and also for king salmon in Michigan?
  • Can I tie large nymphs or streamers on some old Mustad salmon hooks?  How about saltwater flies?
  • I want to get an 8-weight rod.  Should I get a Recon or Clearwater?
  • How do you fish scuds in lakes?
  • What is the best way to fish a short, narrow, deep, and fast pool in high water?
  • Why can't I catch many trout on dry flies in small Missouri wild trout streams?
  • Why do some 6-weight rods have fighting butts?  Do I need one to fish for trout in Virginia?
  • What fly line do you recommend for striped bass in the Chesapeake region?
  • How can I keep the eyes from coming off my deer hair bass bugs?
  • Why not use a small perfection loop instead of a tippet ring?
  • Why would you not fish a dropshot rig with nymphs all the time?
  • How can I explore other parts of a favorite trout stream?  What should I look for?

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