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Guest bigbadbrent
sockeye harps...not spots right! havnt bin out too the coast lookin at salmon in a while...



There are spots on it, sockeye don't have any..

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Full adipose... probably not a hatchery released fish... It is cleaned already, and I think the picture is from Medicine Hat... so not a fresh wild salmon/steelhead... (too skinny to be from Bullshead).

Can't see the tail (looks like there are black spots on it though)... makes id more diffficult... what about the gums?

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Most definitley been gutted and looks like scaled as well. It has white gums, so not a chinook. It has spots, so not a sockeye. Wrong eye for a chum/dog salmon. It has spots on the dorsal fin but it doesn't look like a pink salmon. So that leaves either a coho or a 'bow. If it still had scales you'd get a much better ID. Whatever it is, it's a very affective poster. I worked on a commercial salmon troller many many moons ago and I gutted more fish than I care to remember, so I think thats why became hooked on CAR fishing so long ago.


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