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Bow Tomorrow Morning


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Any suggestions?


I was thinking of maybe trying just below the weir.. saw a guy right on that first bend yesterday.. looked like good water.



try the little channel between the bank and the island on the park/fish hatchery side. i havent fished it this year but last year there were a few holding in the trough and then around the bend there is a deeper pool with a shopping cart at the bottom. watch for the cart but there were some holding behind it.


the other suggestion - is check the reg on the weir. i think it is no fishing within 25 meters of a man made water obstruction.

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Guest bigbadbrent

lol, a dozen guys shoulda been busted today for that then, drove by it on the way south, was pacccked....


make sure you're on the eastern side of the river if you're around 17th, dont want to accidently go fishing into the inglewood bird sanctuary.

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Fish must not be removed from, or disturbed in, any facility or structure designed to capture, hold or facilitate the passage of fish. Fishing is prohibited by any method within 25 yards (22.86 m) of the lower entrance of any fishway, canal, obstacle or leap. Weirs and dams are considered obstacles.

NOTE: Fishways, fish ladders, impoundment nets, fish traps and other similar structures are set up to assist in the management or the study of fisheries, or to allow the passage of fish.




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the trout building/hatchery thing - never bothered to get the name of it is at the weir on the west side of the river. to access it you have to park at the park where the demonstration wetlands are. i think the name of the park is pearce something or other. if you are south on deerfoot, take the 17th ave turn off, head west. 1st set of lights, turn right, go to the end of the road.


as for the bird sancutary, which is south of the weir and around the corner a ways, if you stay on the main part of the Bow and dont wander up any side channels, you will be fine. the Bow is open, the tributaries are not. if you do end up in there, some one will yell at you.

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