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Project Healing Waters Auction

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As many of you already know, Streamwatch is no longer a functioning entity. So we had to look for something new to do the charity auction for this year. We have chosen Project Healing Waters Canada as the charity for this year. Many of you are familiar with them, if not (and even if you are), go to their website to read about the incredibly good work these guys are doing.


So what I am doing now is beginning the legwork (or is that fingerwork) in asking for donations. Many of the same people have donated time and again for the Streamwatch auctions (and I will be hitting you all up again!), but my true hope this year is we get some new blood in this. No donation is too small. You can donate items, a trip (you don't have to be a guide), whatever. Be creative. For those of you who read and rarely post, this is a great way to get involved.


Anyone who knows people not involved with this forum who may want to donate, ask them. If you know people in a local fly shop, equipment rep, whatever, ask them too. I will run the auction over several weeks, and will try to keep auction items from competing with each other as much as possible. And remember when the bidding starts, the goal is not to get things as cheap as possible-the goal is to donate to a great cause.


Anyway, I hope lots of people participate. This is a great way to give to a great cause!


Anyone who wants to donate, please PM me instead of posting here. I will try my best to keep my mailbox as empty as I can. If anyone wants to help out in gathering donations, please have at it!


I am working out the details over tax receipts with PWHFFC, and maybe should have waited until I had that detail sorted out before starting this. But I saw on their website that they are a registered charity, so I know we will be able to get the bugs worked out. Look for the auctions to start in late April, after I get back from Mexico!


I'll be posting this on the auction forum as well.

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