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Snow Pack Update

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Went fishing to the Upper Highwood yesterday... Holy smokes! There is so much snow up high (Highwood Pass elevation), it doesn't look like we'll be fishing/hiking/backpacking up in the high country for a VERY VERY long time!! Run off may have technically started, but it is no where close to being in full swing!





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Guest Sundancefisher
Went fishing to the Upper Highwood yesterday... Holy smokes! There is so much snow up high (Highwood Pass elevation), it doesn't look like we'll be fishing/hiking/backpacking up in the high country for a VERY VERY long time!! Run off may have technically started, but it is no where close to being in full swing!






Great for recharging the aquifers... Expect this year will be marked as the start of the regrowth of glaciers. A combination of ocean current cycles and sun spot cycles has scientists call for a dramatic cooling. At least those not desperately begging for a piece of the global warming research cash pile.

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Guest Sundancefisher



Mostly from the side that believes everything they hear from one side...rather than using some common sense.


Contrary opinion is very scary to global warming elixir peddlers.



Pacres:el:toro Pacres:el:toro


Start growing your beards...the ice is coming... Wait for the swing and the demand for cash to prove the impending ice age is coming. What ever can we do to save ourselves?


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