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Camera With The Best Macro?

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My dad has been looking into getting a camera with a incredible macro function. I know some of you have posted pictures on here that blew my mind... I saw one of a midge where I could count hairs on the legs... so... which camera should I get him to try?? Example pics would be great... I'll be showing dad the images too :)


thanks for any help/ideas guys!

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To get the best macro shots you he will want to go with a camera with a dedicated macro lense. To get clear shot he will also want to look into a tripod and/or a lense with VR (vibration reduction).


There are some good 4/3 sized cameras coming out that are smaller than a traditional DSLR with options of interchangable lenses.



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Pentax P&S Camera's (Waterproof ones) have an excellent macro function!


These are quaility reduced older pictures from my web album:












What you don't get is the high quality bokeh (background blur) that you would get with a dedicated macro lens on a DSLR body (preferably a longer lens). You also have to be really close to your subject! To get into that type of picture you need a decent SLR, a good long (over 100mm) lens, and should have a tripod. This will easily run you into the $1000s and you won't likely have it for as many oportunities as you would a P&S in your pocket.


These are 15 yr old shots with my SLR... sorry they are bad scans:






You should be able to get a good Pentax W60 online for a good price!


BTW if anybody finds a pentax 200mm Macro in the Allison Creek area, please return it to me... :crybaby: It's been missing for a few years.

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