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No Beer For You

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Good to know a Alberta Gubberment Agency is tryin' to save us from ourselves, I for one will sleep better.at night


They're making sure we're not buying beer at $8-$12/bottle so that we can afford health care when they privatize it behind our backs.

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Don't think it has anything to do with a nanny state or concerns about safety and well-being. My experience with higher-ups and politicians is that any time there is a story that doesn't make sense, there is personal agenda. Someone (or several) has an angle whereby they can somehow personally benefit. Then the trick is to cook up some excuse that they think people will believe. The result is ..........exactly what we see here.


It's too bad that reporters aren't better at digging up the real story. There's lots of fodder out there.



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Don't think it has anything to do with a nanny state or concerns about safety and well-being. My experience with higher-ups and politicians is that any time there is a story that doesn't make sense, there is personal agenda. Someone (or several) has an angle whereby they can somehow personally benefit. Then the trick is to cook up some excuse that they think people will believe. The result is ..........exactly what we see here.


It's too bad that reporters aren't better at digging up the real story. There's lots of fodder out there.



enlighten us minions....

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Don't think it has anything to do with a nanny state or concerns about safety and well-being. My experience with higher-ups and politicians is that any time there is a story that doesn't make sense, there is personal agenda. Someone (or several) has an angle whereby they can somehow personally benefit. Then the trick is to cook up some excuse that they think people will believe. The result is ..........exactly what we see here.


It's too bad that reporters aren't better at digging up the real story. There's lots of fodder out there.



Indeed, someone is gaining out of this new plan. Perhaps someone at ALGB was paid by the big beer companies or something of that nature. I heard an interview this morning with an ALGB board member; she wouldn't answer certain questions and admitted she hadn't consulted with anyone in the sales industry regarding this mandate.


It makes me think of the current laws about Marijuana. There is always the argument about 'protecting our children' and weed being 'a gateway drug' even though we all know that is pure BS. Why is Marijuana illegal? Because Lawyers, Law Enforcement, and Organized Criminals want it that way because they all gain from Marijuana being a banned substance; grant money for cops and prosecutors, and drug money for defense Lawyers and HA, FOB, FOBK et al.


If you see some strange or unjust law; don't look at who stands to lose, look at who stands to gain and you'll find the culprit.


Sorry to stray from the topic, but on that note, I'm looking forward to one of my own homemade Ciders when I get home....I'll think I'll binge drink 20 or so this weekend.


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It starts with the sad realization that most crimes, violations, and shady business deals never come to light.


The government spokeswoman worded her statement very carefully 'We want to make sure that if these high-alcohol products are available, that they are marketed appropriately'. Hmmmmm.......if they are available...........marketed appropriately.

A possibility that makes sense? How about a marketing firm lost the contract for a particular beer - sour grapes. Then they directly, or indirectly pressured the government to take action based on health and safety concerns. Just an example; one could imagine others that make more sense than the official story.


True, fact is stranger than fiction, but it just seems so unlikely that a provincial government, out of the blue, becomes concerned about youngsters drinking expensive beer. I'm not getting paid to do any investigating, so I don't. But if I did, I would start by finding the person who made the decision; then, find out who is related related to them; then look into the names that appear with theirs in other news stories; then how about companies who had their product banned; then use some creative reasoning. If the threads start showing, then you're onto something. As much as I dislike the media, I think they can do a great job of exposing injustice.


Don't think this happens? Check out these stories:

Saccharin banned - FDA approval of aspartame

Mustard oil banned in North America - Monsanto - India connection

You can read hours into these stories and become disgusted and shocked.


People are going to believe what they want. All the possibilities and examples in the world probably won't change their minds. I, for one, believe that crooked deals are happening way too often.


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