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Send Your Congratulations To Canada's

Guest Sundancefisher

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Guest Sundancefisher

Congratulations to Canada's athletes. They showed courage, grit and awesome sportsmanship!


Congratulations to those that supported them!


We have set records and shown what true Canadian passion really means (when watching hockey especially)!





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I posted this on the BC board this afternoon, thought I'd put it here, also:


"So we're not perfect!


We never claimed to be perfect. That means we've learned to be humble. We say excuse me and I'm sorry...as well as please and thanks. Even when its not our fault we apologize.


Sure one arm of the torch didn't rise, but when the earthquake struck Haiti, Canadians raised their hands to say..."we'll help"


And yeah, there is a fence around the flaming torches, but you can walk right up and shake hands with our prime minister and most famous Canadians.


We put Gretzky in the back of a pick up, in the rain, not surrounded by police...and he was okay. By the way... the Great One is Canadian...and HE wasn't complaining!


We do have security at the games, of course, but most people don't even have a gun they have to leave at home. The medals ARE under lock and key but our doors and our hearts are open to the world.


It has been pointed out that some buses broke down last week .... but let's not overlook the fact that our banking system didn't . We didn't get the "green ice maker" right this time....but we will, eventually. Just like we did when we invented the hockey rink.


Citius Altius Fortius

If you don't reach higher how do you get faster and stronger? Was the first quad jump perfect? Should we not have given snowboarding to the world "in case" it didn't take off?


So, big deal ... one out of four torch arms didn't rise. Good thing we had 3 more! It's called contingency planning! But remember...the Canadarm works every time...in outerspace... .and insulin turned out to be okay. We couldn't change the weather but maybe we can help stop global warming.


We don't have the tax base of the US or the power of the Chinese but, per capita, we ponied up for some pretty kick-ass venues in the worst global recession ever .


Sure, some folks couldn't afford tickets but our health care is universal. We have shown the world that we can raise our voices in celebration and song but moments later stand in silence to respect a tragic event ... together..spontaneously ... and unrehearsed.


What's more, we don't need permission from anyone to have a slam poet, fiddlers with piercings, and a lesbian singer tell our story to the world while our multilingual female Haitian- born, black, head of state shares a box with her First Nations Equals !!


We've shown the world that it doesn't always rain in Vancouver, that you can strive for excellence but not get

hung up on perfection, And - we've learned what it feels like to be picked on by some no name newspaper guy and we don't have to take it lying down!


So the point is not the snow, or the hydraulics or a couple guys being 5 minutes late to a ceremony. We know we're lucky that these are the biggest problems we had to deal with in the last couple weeks. So take your cheap shots....Guardian newspaper and cynics of the world,


We're bigger and better than that."



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Couldn't be more proud of our athletes. Came in as the only country to never win a Gold Medal on home soil, and finished by not just winning one on home soil, but setting the records for MOST on home soil and the most at any Winter Olympics in history.


Own the Podium? I'd say so......

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