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I am new in the area of placing online orders and so I may be doing something wrong. It will be my second.


I have contacted Thorne’s Manufacturing and Sales about an order for fly tying materials and tools. I will be paying by check.


So, I forwarded a 3-part order – present and future.


Part 1 order – all items available but to be confirmed. If all is in stock, I simply send a check in the full amount and that is it.


Part 2 order – all items appear to be in stock. Items in this area would be ordered whenever some items in part 3 area become available because presently they are out of stock.


Part 3 area – none of the items in this area are available – out of stock, coming soon, sold out or whatever.


My first contact was made on September 25. When I heard nothing after 3 weeks, I contacted them on October 16 – 3 weeks. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks. So I am posting this thread because I may be doing something wrong and I would like to get some info. And you guys have more knowledge about Thorne’s Man. than I do.


So what am I doing wrong? I think my money is the same as yours.


It is difficult to make a financial transaction if the other side does not communicate with you for 4 weeks. Perhaps you guys are slower than we are out here in Toronto but I do not think so.


Thank you for any help or advice.




In what form was your communication? I don't have the best luck with email/online corespondance with most companies; by phone is the best I found


The first time was my own Yahoo e-mail to Thorne e-mail address - rthorne@thornesmanufacturing.com.


The second time was to use the “Email Us” – Thorne’s e-mail form.


Both of the above methods are found at




If there is a third time, it is also possible to click on the

rthorne@thornesmanufacturing.com address and get an e-mail form.


Thank you Flytyer. I agree with you that it is difficult to set up an e-mail correspondence. However, placing a phone order would not be much easier.


Thank you.






  marchbrownn said:
The first time was my own Yahoo e-mail to Thorne e-mail address - rthorne@thornesmanufacturing.com.


The second time was to use the “Email Us” – Thorne’s e-mail form.


Both of the above methods are found at




If there is a third time, it is also possible to click on the

rthorne@thornesmanufacturing.com address and get an e-mail form.


Thank you Flytyer. I agree with you that it is difficult to set up an e-mail correspondence. However, placing a phone order would not be much easier.


Thank you.




I meant maybe followup your email/online order by phone. Perhaps a maybe a system problem somewhere. I would assume that you have copies of original corespondence and use that to see if they can trace it somehow. Another option is to fax them. I wish I could further assist you but that's all I can think of at the moment. If I lived closer I could stop by and see him personally on your behalf



Flytyer, thank you for your help. I wonder if they closed the store. Their prices are very good.


I will phone them and find out what is happening.


Maybe someone else here has an answer.





I know that they moved to Fort Saskatchewan about a year or so ago and they had representation at the fly expo in Calgary this past Jan. We have a couple fellas here from Fort Sask. area here perhaps they can chime in here


Not from Fort Sask but I do order from them fairly regularly, last one was last week (it arrived on Monday) so they are still open. I always order online and pay via paypal and aside from a few stock issues have never had a problem. They notify me of any stock issues via my Paypal receipt so I can't help you on the email question. As suggested giving them a call may be the best option.

Hope it all works out.






  jordo said:
Not from Fort Sask but I do order from them fairly regularly, last one was last week (it arrived on Monday) so they are still open. I always order online and pay via paypal and aside from a few stock issues have never had a problem. They notify me of any stock issues via my Paypal receipt so I can't help you on the email question. As suggested giving them a call may be the best option.

Hope it all works out.




Thanks jordo that confirms they are still open





I've had the same problem as you and being a commercial tyer I can't afford to wait for them to reply so I gave up on them. I do agree, though, their prices are excellent but I looked around, wheeled and dealed, and got a better price elsewhere.

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