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Politics Of Water

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For decades, guides and fishery experts have warned of the dangers associated with “foreign” boats infecting our waters, specifically, the Bow. Last week we learn via TV news that “rock snot”, is KILLING the Bow.

For almost a decade it was known that irrigation draw off the Bow had surpassed 100% of flow availability. This week we learn via quickie news that the state of the South Saskatchewan River is…catastrophic, due to irrigation!

I’m beyond fighting anymore and at my age my best fly fishing years are likely behind me. I feel for the young fly fisher’s. I feel guilt and shame that I couldn’t do what was necessary to end stupidity and incompetence. Please know I haven’t voted Conservative since voting Lougheed, once.

Our river is being wantonly destroyed and the guilt lay at the feet of Alberta Conservatives. Incompetence and criminal neglect needs to be addressed. Think about things, please, before next you vote.

Sorry for going political.

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The politics of water knows no "party" boundaries. Yes, I know AB has been Conservative since the beginning of history, but just look at next door. Many different colours of political parties over the past 100 years, the BC Water Act has not changed in over 100 years and look how many BC rivers are in very deep trouble. It is not the political party, it is about political will, and THAT comes from ordinary people.


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The politics of water knows no "party" boundaries. Yes, I know AB has been Conservative since the beginning of history, but just look at next door. Many different colours of political parties over the past 100 years, the BC Water Act has not changed in over 100 years and look how many BC rivers are in very deep trouble. It is not the political party, it is about political will, and THAT comes from ordinary people.


We may be on the same side, Jack.





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We may be on the same side, Jack.


Anyone who has eyes and frequents our streams, on either side of the rockpile, can see the wholesale dewatering of our flows. Apparently "water conservation measures" are only directed at urban lawns, yet the wholesale use of irrigation sprinkler system during the heat of the day, accounting for at least 50% evaporation just goes on. Water storage is frowned upon or even prohibited, while increased pumping from rivers with dropping levels is ignored.

People have wake up and kick some political *ss.



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