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Thompson River Bait Ban

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for those that are on facebook:


It's that time of year again. If enough Steelhead appear in the Albion test fishery the Thompson will once again be open to catch and release angling with no gear restricitions other than single barbless hook. It is time for the fisheries managers in the Thompson region to enact the same conservation based angling regulations restricting the use of organic baits that have been applied successfully in other BC regions. There is no reason that the wild Thompson river Steelhead shouldn't receive the same protection that wild Steelhead in other BC regions have been given. Bait bans have been in effect on other classified rivers in other BC regions for close to 20 years.The BC ministries own creel survey data proves that a bait ban will be a valuable tool to reduce angler impact on these special fish.Please consider joining this group to send a strong message to BC's fisheries managers. I encourage you to invite your friends and post links to this group anywhere you see fit.



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okay, one more bump, just cause we have passed 550 people looking to initiate change. Please consider joining the group,there is a very real chance that WE can make a difference in how the T is regulated by this time next year.


This issue is well beyond bait as it has everything to do with how the T fishery is managed. As you are probably aware there are those of us that would like to see the T brought in line with other 'quality' Steelhead fisheries in the province. This means no bait and more importantly no hatchery.


If you share these views I urge you to help spread this group around. Please take a moment and invite any other like minded individuals to join this movement. If you have a blog please consider posting a link to this group.


Any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at 1-888-822-3474. I look forward to speaking with you,


Brian Niska

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The reason for the apparent lack of interest in your issue is the bad taste left in many Alberta flyfishers' mouths over the way your whacked out premier and his fisheries managers treat us on this side of the Rocks.

The Classified Waters gouge being the most obvious.

I suspect the T as you call it will be the next on the Get-Alberta hit list. While at the same time the timid Stelmach government has decided to do sweet tweet about BC guides running on our already overcrowded SW waters.

Start a dump-the-day-rod-fees movement as well as your Thompson petition and you might just get a few feelers.

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I think that the fees charged are a small price to pay for the privelidge of angling for wild Steel. The number of Alberta plates I see on our classified rivers leads me to believe that others are ok with these fees. It does bother me that we charge fellow Canadians the same fee as out of country anglers. The Thompson Steelhead angler is wired a little different than other fishers. I don't think any of these folks will cease to care,or show up for that matter, due to the continuation of these fees on the Thompson.

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