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Official Photo Of The Month Winners Listings

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August's 1st place winner was Din. We had a 3 entry tie for second place between Jordo and BobLoblaw( he had both his tie for second)


September's 1st place winner was Bobloblaw and there was a 2 way tie for second between terryh and ultralite's second photo. Congratulations to the winners.


On a sad note several good entries were disqualified as they did not have the required writeups accompany them. This did affect the results unfortunately so remember the write up with your entries in future.

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Grats Steve. It was a great photo and definitely the one I would have picked myself. Loved the way the you could see the reflection in its eye.


Thanks, Tracy; I appreciate that.

Thanks, mods & thanks to Flyfusion; I will enjoy the year's subscription, for sure.






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hey, is there any chance that as you post the winners and the info about the winning photo's, you could actually post the pics in this thread? that way we dont have to go looking everywhere to see the winners :) if not, dang. If so, awesome!

If you go to the main site you'll see the winning pics in the banner on the top right side.

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