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  1. these are top notch!!
  2. Thanks for all the responses. Ended up picking up a Winston nexus on discount
  3. Good to know. I've read a lot re: the BVK and would only consider it for chucking streamers at an 8wt. I looked at the TFO impact this morning and liked it, but I need to make a longer stop at the shop to be able to test cast a bunch.
  4. Well as luck would have it, I bought a new Echo boost 3 weeks ago. My budding quiver was a 8' 4wt Boost for smaller creeks and hike in lakes, an old 9' 6wt fenwick eagle I got at an intro to casting class, and a 10' Dragonfly 7wt I used for salmon in BC and now use to huck streamers. I was out this weekend on the highwood and went to backcast with a small streamer and no sink tip on the Fenwick, and then suffered from rod ED. My fly didn't cast and I looked back and my rod was bent over in the middle at an embarrassing angle. I hadn't stepped on it or dropped it or slammed in a car door to my recollection...but oh well. Something led to it breaking. Anyways, it was a piece of crap to begin with, I hated the cork (so many voids that tore into my hands when casting with wet hands all day) and am not that torn up. It bugs me that it hadnt broken sooner - then I would have got a 5 wt to replace it, then got a 3wt Echo boost as my small water rod (and been able to budget better). Seeing as how theres a couple months left in the season, I am itching to replace the 6wt daily driver rod asap. I'm debating between contacting Pieroway (looking at the Element rod, but have heard mixed reviews on delayed customer service) vs picking up something like an Echo 3 10' 6wt, or the Loop Q in a 9' 6wt. This will be used for nymphing/dries on the Bow and rivers of southern alberta, and maybe even taking it up to some lakes. My budget is ~$300-500...I wish I could go higher but I wasn't planning on buying 2 new setups in the same month. What would you guys suggest I look at?
  5. Just to be clear - he had 2 rods going with both lines in the water? That's one of the violations in the story right? I usually carry two rods around (one streamer, one dryfly), but am only ever casting one. That's fine correct?
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