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Everything posted by rloyd

  1. Anyone up for a hunt?
  2. He said that he talked to the company and they told him that they weren't going to send it to print anytime and were going to focus on the digital version. They spend $10 per paper copy and sell it for $26 that's a 62% gross margin or they spend $3 per digital copy and sell it for $150 that's 98% gross margin. They're going where the money is.
  3. Hey guys, I just left Map World with a S. AB Backroad Mapbook, all in it was $27.24. He said that he has about 20 left. Brandon
  4. Thanks guys, I'll look into these. Anything in particular I should know about any these ponds?
  5. Hey guys, My 7 & 5 yr olds are excited about fishing. I had my son out with me last weekend and let him try casting my fly rod and the kid is a natural, he has such a gentle touch and can lay the line out very nicely. We are fairly new to Calgary and live up in NW Calgary and I am looking for a place I can take him to practice his casting and have the opportunity to catch a few fish. I've heard that there are some stocked ponds but I can't seem to locate them very easily. Can any of you give me some guidance? Thanks, Brandon
  6. Item 1: $325
  7. Item 1: $250
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