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Everything posted by YugoSpice

  1. If it doesn't effect the rainbow populations then why are we even having this discussion? Last I saw we all fish to have fun and connect with nature, at the mouth of the Highwood or the NSR here in Edmonton. If you're not impacting the population of fish then go out there, nail em and have a great day!
  2. I should also say that if any of you are in Edmonton, I would be happy to show you my secret spot on the NSR. Monster walleye on the spining rod or goldeye on the fly. Your choice .
  3. Then I will have to clip my 3x and get some 1x because I was so close to breaking off ... Actually, I don't think I've ever had to put that much pressure on my little 5wt. You guys have some mighty fine bows for sure. Mine was a little strange though as it looked like the trout we have up here in our pothole lakes, very green and grey. I was expecting to see silvery steelhead-like rainbows.
  4. Nice. Thanks a lot for leaving the place to us. Always nice to put a face to a name too . Didn't realize it was such a walk as I now have a strained Achilles tendon (damn wading boots) ... but I would gladly do it again to fish that stretch of water.
  5. Well, the trip went great. Full post with pictures at the following location: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=3910
  6. Well, what a weekend it was. It was my first trip to the Bow and what a great impression, you guys truly have a gem. I want to send a HUGE thanks to RickR for being so friendly and helping us out with some great spots, one specifically where I caught the biggest rainbow to date. You truly are a gentleman and I hope the fish gods shine down on you this year for your generosity towards us . We tried various places that included SouthLand Dog Park, Fish Creek, Policeman's, and a few "secrets". The "secret" spot was the most amazing though as I landed my biggest bow at around 23" (estimate). It fought like no other fish and I could not believe how hard it was to move out of the current. I eventually had to drag it downstream where my buddy could land it, and even then the fish would take a few long runs. The other successful spot was just upstream of Policeman's where we landed a few nice football sized browns. Shouthland netted a 12" brown as well. Anyways, I hope to make another trip this summer and this time maybe hit up Rick for some beers. I would also like to thank the many forum members that offered tips on where to camp as well as the two guys that offered full hookup in their backyards. Anyways, here are some photos from the weekend. I only have pictures of my one rainbow but my other friends have pictures of the Browns caught, maybe I'll get them and post em in the future.
  7. I appreciate it. Thanks a bunch. I'll check it out though camping on the island sounds like prime .
  8. Wow, that a gesture. Thanks man. It'll be a last resort but it's nice to have the option . So you guys are talking about islands outside the city right? I assume the city owns and islands in city limits or every homeless in Calgary would have a hay day. By the way, how deep would I have to wade? The back channels on our NS River is pretty scary.
  9. I too thought of this but wasn't sure if this was allowed .... I take it I can do this anywhere outside the city? Personally, I'm the kinda guy that likes to camp on public land to avoid the noisy young campers that like to blare the rap music. Hmmm, thanks for the suggestion. This is the thing I will probably do.
  10. Hey guys, I am planning my first trip to the Bow for next week (April 4th-6th). I'm a long time lurker (since the old FlyFishAlberta board) and live in the Edmonton area (born and raised) and want to travel to some open trout water (winter lasts too long up here). Anyways, I prefer not to motel it and am curious if there are any camp sites open in or east of the city. I have tried Nature's Hideaway near Carseland and another one close to the city but both are closed until April 15th. Any help would be greatly appreciated. P.S. - If it helps, I am strictly Fly Fishing CnR when it comes to trout .... not so much with Perch . I'm also a photographer and plan on doing some nature/landscape photography in the area. I have done some research and have a few spots to try out, but if you guys know any spots that are good, and don't mind sharing, please let me know. If anyone know some great places with beautiful scenery to photograph, that would be a bonus too. Thanks again! -Joe M.
  11. YugoSpice

    Foggy Day

    Gorgeous Cutts. I have only caught Cuttbows. Where can one find cutts like that?
  12. Thanks for the kind words. It really pushes me to do more . The hook turned out great. I went out to a local lake tonight and on my very fist cast, landed this little rainbow. Second cast, same result. Was a great evening of fishing! I thought I was addicted to fishing before, but now this is a whole new realm! Thanks to everyone on this board for inspiring me. I have been a lurker for a long time (on the old FFA board) following all of you crazy fly tyers. Cheers, Joe
  13. Thank guys! I'm quite proud too. I was always so scraed of taking the leap and doing it myself but this is the only way to go. It's so addicting too. I just wanna keep tying all night.
  14. So I bit the bullet and bought some fly tying tools last night. I tried making a "Chromie" from Phil Rowley's book but didn't like how it turned out. So I took the basic technique and made a chironimid based on the colors that I've seen around my local pothole lakes near Edmonton. I ditched the flashbou and figured the green copper rib (Dollar store for the win!) and metal beadhead would add enough flash, as well as the added white at the butt. Anyways, this is my first attempt at my own fly. To me it looks fairly real. Any suggestions? The only thing I would do different is use less peacock at the head. Other than that I think I should catch fish with this thing. I'll try it out later in the evening. Should be a good feeling catching a fish on something I made myself. But I shouldn't count my chickens before they're hatched . Cheers, -Joe
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