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Posts posted by bigfry

  1. Happy Father's Day lawn enthusiasts!


    Spent the day running errands but got to do some yard work.


    Trimmed the edges of the perimeter hedge.


    Another mow and I put down some more fertilizer. Seems like I'm fertilizing once a month


    Lawn is coming along just needing it to thicken up.


    How often do you guys spread fertilizer?


    Here are some pics from today


    You can see the trillion at work. I love that *hit



  2. This really ticks me off. I caught some prowlers breaking into my car on Saturday morning. All he stole was an old ass iPod. I left the door unlocked by mistake but still. What peices of sht



    Here is another bunch of goofs April 18. Glad my car was locked then.



    Out of curiosity. How did you lock your bike up to the rack. I have a cannondale supersix evo and I would never leave the bike alone in public locked or unlocked. I won't even lock it in my parkade in my secure building. It comes up to my desk in my office and is parked right on my shelving unit


    Building manager is not too happy about it. All I needed to say to him is if someone steals it who's gonna pay for it? him? He quieted down right quick

  3. I have to. The quack grass in my backyard is rampant. I dont want it in my front yard, so I try hard.


    Re sodding doesnt get rid of quack grass unless you go down and strip like 4' of top soil just to get it all out. As previously stated, its a battle you wont win. Round Up everything, wait for it to die, strip it and come in with fresh sod this fall or next spring. That would be ideal but, within a few months you'll start to see the quack grass again. you just can't stop it. Its like Poa Annua on a golf course, you just cannot stop it. Try your hardest just to keep it out.


    If i could start my from scratch again I would. Theres no money left, thats a problem.


    My neighbours dont love their yards so my yards suffers for it.


    2-4-d doesnt kill quack grass. its the same ingredient thats in Killex. Round Up kills quack grass but also everything else it touches. Round up is my favourite because there is no question, it kills everything :)

    U know I was walking my lawn this morning inspecting the dying weeds and I noticed a couple crab grass patches! Does this spread pretty quick? There are a couple patches about 6-8 inches in diameter. I'm almost tempted to kill it all with round up in the fall and putting down more seeds before it gets too cold. Not really sure how to mitigate that problem before it gets worse


    It sounds like I need to attack it now while it's small or it can get out of hand??

  4. I raised a point about fishermen using chemicals that can have unintended consequences, and I'm lambasted for unleashing such an offensive and personal attack.

    meanwhile, the two bigf'ers tell eachother to keep on,

    Keepin on. "Don't let him get you down, girlfriend!"

    I think that they do feel a bit of guilt/shame for using these chemicals and try to hide that by appearing proud about it or even using more of it. A typical juvenile move. Just like kiddie porn insults.

    Do whatever you gotta do, guys.

    No one asked for your point in what you thought about people using herbicides on their lawn so not really sure why you even posted because this thread did not benefit from your criticisms.


    I don't care what u or anyone else thinks about herbicide. That is the route I chose for the level of weeds I have. I'll do whatever to my lawn as I please. you have absolutely nothing positive to help with my original posting so I don't even know why you post. Sit behind your screen as you normally do.


    I have no guilt or shame at all. My lawn looks awesome and I'll keep using it to maintain it. Absolutely no guilt and if anyone asked for some I might help them out too. After I'm done spraying my toxic herbicide I'll go drift the bow too.


    This thread was created to help people see what I go through and to help people in the future not for trolls to post just for the sake of posting like you.


    Now back to the original purpose of this thread. My lawn looks awesome. I been trying to on top of cutting often and it's helping choke out the weeds as my lawn is getting thicker. But I definitely will need to be on top of the clover situation as I see already it's gonna be a hard one to control. Haven't seen as much success with anything as I have gotten off of trillion.


    I would totally recommend it to anyone who has ran into the issues I have with their lawn. I honestly wish I had it earlier.


    The 300 sqft of sod I laid down has established really well and is super green and growing so fast! Except for one completely dead 8 inch circle and somehow I think it may been from a deer who peed in that spot.


    Anyone ever hear of deer urine killing grass?



    Pics to follow

  5. Yes, I have a surface capable of forming condensation on between my nose and my feet.


    Brilliant retort. I wouldn't expect anything less.

    Yes because I sit so close to the computer to create condensation on the screen u fukin tool. Think about what you said u fukin troll.


    Go back to your kiddy porn site. Sit a bit farther away from the screen troll

  6. OMG, my neighbour used to look after his yard and then one year decided to quite. All he does is mows so he's a giant weed spreader, its awful, yards are attached. I swear he does it out of spite.


    Theres a spot down by the road that I literally hit with round up once a month just to keep his quack grass from coming into my yard. Its even worse than clover, you can't get rid of quack grass. THATS WHY YOU DONT USE THOSE GUYS THAT GO DOOR TO DOOR WITH THE AERATORS!!!!! You can get weeds under control but, quack/crab grass is the WORST!!!!


    My back yard is a lost cause, I dont even try anymore. It sucks because of my neighbours, both sides. They're way to busy washing their hummers and benz's grime and chemical filth into the river while complaining about people that spray weeds lol. Its like people that drink alcohol but, dont do drugs lolololololololololol. %$#@ I can feel the rage, anyways…


    I mow my front and backyard on different days and wash my mower severely before I do the front.

    thats intense, i don't think i would get that extreme to washing the mower every time i mow the front or back yard! I think if it was at that point i may just resod the whole yard.


    would u like some 2,4-D to get it under control. i heard its gonna rain today, u should spray it before it rains.

  7. i took a walk over my lawn this morning and "some" of the dandelion leaves have turned purple. the majority have not and look pretty healthy. no change in the clovers.


    this evening i am going to give a quick water then mix me up another batch of the good stuff and make sure spot spray to get even coats on every single weed and every part of the clovers.


    i will have a clover and weed free lawn within the month, mark my words.

  8. couple of weeks! its taking so long!!! i need instant gratification now!!!! lol


    I mowed it yesterday and only took a little off


    thinking tomorrow evening i will mow it again.


    Luckily for me my neighbor is an old grandma with a perfect lawn. I volunteered to take care of it since shes too old to now push a mower.


    Cant wait till my lawn is that easy to maintain its amazing what a couple years of negligence can do to a lawn


    so this trillion p would not be a good idea to reapply in a couple weeks to help in the battle or will it kill my grass?


    I spot spray everything on the lawn from the beginning. Spray all of the Clover on the heavy side with your trillion in the morning just after any dew is gone. Clover likes low nitrogen conditions too so get a fertilizer that is very high in nitrogen when you are trying to "clean up" the lawn. Go heavier with it and i would pass on the slow release types too. Keep the lawn short and Mow often, not that your going to have a choice after the high nitrogen content fertilizer.

    I wish I could have spot sprayed but by the time I finished my lawn the first side would be growing new weeds lol. I just sprayed the whole lawn


    How long should I wait before I reapply by spot spraying. I am very terrified to burn and kill my lawn.

  10. I just don't know. Maybe I'm super impatient. But how long is it supposed to take for clover to die from an application of 2-4-d?

    This is a patch of clover on my lawn currently:



    As you can see it takes over 1/4 of my lawn. Which is complete bullshit. I'm just worried I didn't actually kill the patch and just killed some leafs






    How long do I have to wait before I can spot spray it?

  11. So I got back from my float today. Wife and kid were out. So what else to do but water my lawn.


    Then I thought what the heck let's herbicide my lawn.


    Mixed up 12 L for my 1200 sqft of lawn. In 2 6L batches


    The pump sprayer I bought worked like a charm. I think it cost 40.



    I sprayed everything except my new sod and a buffer of 1 ft around it. It was so easy to get an even coat.


    I even had just enough left over to spray plants coming up on the other side of my house.


    I'm not that confident it's gonna kill my clover problem after all the weed n feed and killex I used that did not work previously


    We shall see I guess.

  12. Hey Bigfry, where did you buy the Trillion p? And how much did it run you? Spot spraying my weeds with roundup is getting ridiculously expensive as they keep coming in from the neighbors yard..


    I got it from someone in Edmonton. If you know anyone who lives on a farm they can purchase it at and UFA. I bought 6 L for and split it with my buddy.

  13. mowed my grass yesterday. will definately buzz off another little bit tomorrow as well


    took a couple more clear shots


    1. Front yard - i don't think the grass is this deep green i think its the lighting. can see the weeds in the closest part to the picture



    2. Front yard - the area closest in picture 1. thin and weedy



    3. Front yard - far part. on the left towards the tree is a huge clover patch that extends even farther



    4. The clovers patch - wait til you meet my Trillion-p



    5. Front yard - thin, inconsistant, looks like sht


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