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Everything posted by nwalker

  1. Hey Doc, was that the same boatman pattern you were using last spring at Nicholas Sheran?
  2. I have the wildhorse pack and LOVE it
  3. How about the Fishpond vest/packs? Anyone have experience with them?
  4. Where do you think the best place to live in Alberta would be for fly fishing? Crowsnest Pass? Opinions? Although Calgary is more centralizied, I think the Pass would have the most fishing diversity (best bang for the buck) within a close area.
  5. It was great! Jim McLennan autographed a copy of "Water Marks", his new book for me. I had a blast. For anyone that saw me, I was wearing a green striped sweater ( the one that looked like this the whole time... )
  6. What is the address of the show? Im coming from Red Deer and dont want to waste any time.
  7. Thanks Brent. I have been in contact with Tony and may be coming down to Calgary this weekend.
  8. I am currentley researching chocolate lab breeders in the central Alberta area. I'm not really looking for a show dog, just a good tempered fishing partner. Does anyone have any experience or advice?
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