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About Rainbow

  • Birthday 03/02/1944

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Rainbow's Achievements

Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Does anyone where I can buy Arizona Simi Seal #21 Black/Blue in Calgary or the Lower-mainland of BC
  2. Looking for WF 8 floating line
  3. Does anyone know if there are any fly-fishing shops in Calgary or surrounding area that let you try different lines?
  4. Calgary Hook & Hackle Club is a fly tying club that has a beginners class and will be holding an open house on February 25th @ 7:30pm, come check us out. They meet in the Bow Waters Canoe Club building which is located on the Bow river off of 17th ave SE. http://hookandhackleclub.org/
  5. What about the thousands of big and small companies they owe for design work or parts ect.
  6. If anyone thinks charging a few bucks to go camping on crown land is going to solve the problem they should camp at a Provincial Recreation campground. Was at one this weekend here are some of the things I saw, ATV running around the campground, target practice with pellet guns in the campground, public property destroyed, people fishing with 2 and in one case 3 rods from boats and shore, litter all over the place my wife picked up 2 garbage bags of litter along the trails in the park. Did I see any enforcement of the rules no, Conservation Officers and RCMP drive into the area stay on the main road go to the lake, turn around and leave not one did I see a CO or RCMP get out of a vehicle. The Campground operators only seem interested in making money, only time you see them is to collect fees and sell wood. Let’s see some enforcement of the rules that are in place not more rules that get ignored M 2 C W
  7. Have look at the Danvise, they sell for around $130. in Calgary but I got one on E-Bay for $65 + shiping.
  8. Got my cheque in the mail this morning
  9. Phil Rowley in his book Fly Patterns for Stillwaters has a fly called the Stillwater Nymph tied mainly of marabou. I have tied it in a number of colours and have even mixed colours on the same fly.
  10. When I lived in Edmonton had a Macintosh in the backyard. That tree produced large numbers of apples the size of grapefruits. I remember one year I filled the back of my ½ ton full and still had more on the tree.
  11. Hi Steve welcome to Calgary, check out the Hook and Hackle at www.hookandhackleclub.org/. We meet twice a month for fly tying and have some fishout during the summer. Real friendly bunch of guys and gals.
  12. I pull a 28.5 5th with 92 3/4 Dodge Cummins average 14 miles per Cdn gal. In a real strong head wind between Medicine Hat and Calgary I was down to 12MPG I haul my trailer about 7000 km a year flat land a mountains never had a problem. I like the extra power I get from the diesel especially in an emergency. Safety is important to me if I don’t have enough staff to handle the business in the shop no one is going to die if I don’t have the power to handle an emergency someone might. My brother bought a 32 ft motor home last year with a V10 after his first summer of driving it he said that this next one will have a diesel, main reason is when climbing hills his engine is screaming and he only doing 50k/hr Fuel economy is less than ½ I get on my old Cummins.
  13. Saturdays works for me. Just to let you know how inexperienced I am I have tied about 30 flies total.
  14. Count me in Flytyer, I just started 2 months ago and not sure how these things work.
  15. I'd be interested; where and when?
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