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Everything posted by Adrienne

  1. Well, I've officially been in Calgary for a year, so I guess it's not my first season anymore...
  2. BigMac - I do shoot in Raw. Occasionally I use Photoshop Elements to edit, but most of the time I just use the Windows Live Editor.
  3. BigMac - I use a Nikon D60 with the 18-55mm lens that comes standard with it. Here's a couple shots from the long weekend, hiked up Johnstone Canyon near Banff.
  4. Thanks everyone, it's so nice to bring you all along on my adventures! I actually stuff my camera in my waders, so its always there, whenever the right opportunity comes along. Yes, it is a risk, but if I don't have it ready to go I never get the pictures I want. I've had that camera for almost 4 years, and so far no major catastrophies with it. When its raining I throw it in a ziplock bag for a little extra protection - still easy access though. Here's an iPhone shot from last week.
  5. Thanks everyone, for the kind words and for appreciating the photos.
  6. Thanks everyone. Bob - I needed a change and got a great job offer out here. Eight years at a fly shop, while not a hard job, is still a long time to be working in retail. I definitely miss the steelheading, but I'll be getting back as often as I can to swing some flies. Here's a couple of my favourite shots from last spring.
  7. A few more from that same night.
  8. Thanks Bob! That thunderhead shot was taken on July 12. Absolutely incredible skies that whole evening.
  9. Thanks everyone! I just love taking pictures. Sometimes it's just about being willing to put the rod down, or pause on the hike in to take out the camera. I have a basic DSLR, and more often than not just shoot on automatic. The more pictures I take, the easier it is to figure out angles and light. BiggyJ - That is a golden trout, they are such an amazingly beautiful fish.
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