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Posts posted by aaa

  1. I dunno Rick, when I first got them I spent the weekend up on the Dogpound and the LRD and loved them. Still do, they handled the steep grass banks on the DP just fine! A few trips later saw the wear, added the cleats, hit the Bow and had a bit of a hard time on large angled rocks. Got wet. Same area in the past on my old felts had no trouble. Shook my confidence in them a bit. I'll be out on them again soon though.....

  2. I have had my Riversheds since Sept last, been out with them about 8 times. As boots, I like the stiff sole and ankle support, comfortable too. However, I added the alloy hardbite cleats after a few trips, as I noticed the wear happening to the soles just as Alan describes above. He warned me about this in a thread last fall. The cleats on the vibram sure took some getting used to, they made me feel slightly unbalanced both in the water and on land. The alloy wore quickly as well. I fell with them (with the cleats installed) the first time out, stepping backard in about 3 feet of flowing water on the Bow. First time that has happened. Stepping backward with the vibram w/cleats on large slimy rocks is a no no from now on, at least for me. We will see what happens this coming season, but I am thinking that felt with or without cleats will be my next pair. In retrospect, if your fishing where there is grass banks, and soft pathways, and smaller steams (like the Crow or Liv) they are ok. But in the Bow in fast water, my confidence is not there. My 2 cents. They might make a good boat boot, (without the cleats) others may know more though.

  3. Was working at International Jet Air Avitat up on Palmer Road in 1988. We, and the other FBO's on the airport took in almost 200 corporate jets on Friday Feb 12th, '88.....


    ABC alone brought in 3 Challengers just for their news/sports/tech people. Joan Lunden amongst them. Not a big deal, not really a Joan fan, we saw/met many celebs come through our facility in the years I worked there. But, she had her clothes packed in these two really heavy upright cardboard moving closets. They were so big they would only fit on the upper deck of the Challenger. Since ABC's people were busy unloading the high tech stuff out of the bellies, the flight crew asked us to help with Joan's closets. We did.....got the first one down halfway down the the airstair, while the other was manuevered into the doorway...


    Disaster, the guys pushing the one out of the doorway lost control of it in the doorway and it came toppling down the stairs, hammered into ours, and both ended up going end over end down the stairs and onto the ramp.


    Joan, who was sitting in the back of her limo talking on her cell phone (which was about the size of a WW2 walkie talkee) saw the whole thing and came storming out and boy was she pissed off. "Don't you idiots know this is a 3 week assignment and you just ruined all 21 of my outfits"


    Well, the one she was wearing still looked pretty good I said.

    • Like 1
  4. Toirtis, on 05 Feb 2013 - 00:13, said:snapback.png

    Fish Tales and The Fishin Hole are where I buy most of mine locally....good selection and prices.





    What Toirtis and Silverdoctor said, X3


    WSS looks to revamping thier fly tying area, with some gaps on the wall and new hooks going in. Thier capes/saddles however, are behind the counter...

  5. I had a great time, went all 3 days. I wish I could have bought a weekend pass! I was happy to get free back issues of FF on each day. Was great to watch the casting demos by Jim, Gary Borger, etc. Talked to all the vendors and also met great folks from the H&H Club, FFC. Fly Tying? Seemed every 2nd or 3rd booth had a vice set up and a capable tyer sitting behind it, willing to share skills, and advise. Sat in on some of the seminars too.


    It was a great show and I made the most of it.

  6. I am with ADT, have been since 1994. 36 dollars a month. That's for multiple internal motion loops and loops on all outside doors. Alarm Force is slightly less, around 29-30 for the same coverage, along with their voice connect to the alarm box. Both have optional connects to the owners smart phone.


    I saw some external motion sensor lights at Costco recently. They have a internal camera and when the light is motiom activated, they take a picture. You can pull the card and look at the stored pictures whenever you want. 99 dollars, I think might might be for a set of two?


    Would be just the thing for your garage to start with perhaps.....


    The only problem with self monitering is when your a ways away.....but if your worried about the garage, a non monitered (loud) audible alarm might scare the slime away.

  7. I had a great time today. Met many great FFC people, pokerfish, Adrienne, and Paula among them. Saw FlyTyer in the distance, I'll catch up with him tomorrow. Enjoyed the free seminars very much, Jim McLennan's fly casting, April's double haul tips, etc etc.


    Lot's of gear, nice folks, and watching the non-stop casting, tying and friendship made it a very worthwhile day!


    And every time Shaw's internet service has a hiccup your phone service will go south for the duration.... Grass is always greener whilst you're lookin' over the fence.. Ask me how I know.


    Thanks for your info, Taco, certainly food for thought. For me, we were one of the first to get Telus Optik TV a few years ago. My wife signed us on, she got a 'great deal'.

    However, Optik had many, many problems in the begining, and still is not perfect to this day. I am not going to go on and on about what happened over the years, but we were over billed many times for services we did not use, had outages lasting days, were promised many things that never happened. A different story from each rep we would call, hours on the phone trying to sort out over billing, etc etc.


    Telus's land lines and internet service is 100%. Mobility is fine as any of them. TV however......

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