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Everything posted by Kristi

  1. Correct me if im wrong but ist dose start at nine on Saturday right?
  2. is not my intentions to offend anyone! there are just more active users here from what I see.. ~kristi
  3. Thank you Gil for the Welcome! and the insight on what I should focus on in tying for the now! I do understand that everyone has their own oppionions and i will and do respect all.. I am fairly new to this whole FF/FT sect. And am just eager to learn is all. wow lol I figured with how busy this forum is, I would have had more responses! ~Kristi
  4. And what should I be tying for this time of year to fish streams and rivers, any suggestions??? ~Kristi
  5. Anybody going to the Jack Dennis and Phill Rowley Seminar in Edmonton, during the week of January 21st and 22nd? ~ Kristi
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