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Posts posted by CopperJonny

  1. Great Job working with the kids !!!


    wow that looks some sore , and out the other side ..Holy moses .. was that the ole Bow River Hookset at work ;)

    bowing my head ( Dear God ..... I've been good , know what I mean .... if you remember that happening to Smitty , whats up Dood ... ( Yes I've been hooked before , and yes they were by my self)

    Here's a deal ! If you don't EVER , an I mean NOT EVER ! Let me do or get that bad of a hook set , I won't swear anymore ... i mean the F word will be greatly reduced , and never the C word ( I never used to use it , yet this year it came out a couple of times) I swear Sir , I'm going to pay it forward , and just hope that ... Lord Hear My Prayer !!!!

    OUCH Smitty ! WT...Graciousness o:) ! Thats hard core teaching the youngsters . If you ever would like some help , I will gladly offer it . Was a Senior Counsellor back home (NB) all throughout the nineties .. Would like to get involved with putting smiles on faces again and help to pass on this biological passion.


  2. Thanks guy's , I'm in the market as well ! Been mulling over which lights to get , haven't found much with nice lighting .... IKEA has a few styles with nice swing arms . yet bulbs aren't bright enough . Will definitely go check out those Ott lights tomorrow after class ... On sale this week is great ! Thanks for the headsup Jordo!

  3. Turtling and not allowing any industrial activity in Canada any more...is not a proactive collaborative approach that will work. If more effort was made by groups to work with the system to improve it...mountains could be moved and great decisions made... whereas just saying no...protesting and stomping feet serves no purpose in the end...unless 1,000,000 head out... on bicycles to protest from the cities.


    It is easy to pick up the mistakes and run with them...but in context to the majority of the oil industry that are fine outstanding corporate citizens of Alberta...they are a trivial number. Press and environmentalists are quick to over blow issues...but some however small like the ducks...should not have happened and likely won't now. There are more ducks and birds killed by buildings and powerline and wind turbines than there. Botulism increased by farming practices and fertilizers kills ducks in the thousands and thousands and thousands in North America.


    I apologize ,

    It took me a couple of rereads of the second and third pages , to finally see what is going on here , my bad . Sundance you are absolutely correct regarding the attempts at change ..... and in fact , I understand that you are feeling the same in the idea that we do need a change .... Thank you for that !!

    So seeing as we seem to agree on the important and main concern's as a whole .... that we definitely need to change our wasteful ways ,in many areas if not nearly all ! Minimum tweaking , if not total abandon which I'm sure will not ever happen , nor necessarily should it .... Like you say .... As long as we continue to improve , right !!! ? Then I guess the question is " What DO we do ? " , " How are we going to do it ?" , " Can we do it ?" , even moreso .. " How Bad do WE really want to do it ? " ( multiple questions I suppose ) awe lol .. the 4 W's and How ...

    Again , I'm sorry ... for a bit this afternoon I felt as I was being mocked and I reacted before I saw the " forest for the trees?!!"

    Do we really want to do this ? It's easy to say .... I know I do , I think lol in all honesty ... we have too , Right ?!!! So how do we do it ? how do we get this started , everyone on an even keel ... we all have to do this together , Right?!!!! I'm not talking this Forum only , I mean EVERYONE ... We've been talking about this for years ....... its fully valid , and is kind of important .. I mean , maybe not necessarily for us , we may not see the benefits or changes in our lifetime ... does it still count though .....Exactly !! So ... let's pull up our socks !! What's the honest to god's truth , next step ?!! MLA's MP's , etc etc ... PM the PM ... petitions ... roundtable talks with everyone even ..... volunteer .. heck !! I've laid em in the past , I'll volunteer my free time to help pull out any old pipes and tubes / decommission old sites and remove ..... thats what I may do , yet maybe we can car pool to the site to do it ?!! I know , is it fruitless or what ?

    This will be the greatest project / responsibility venture we will face ... this day in age IMO . I mean our forefathers/mothers worked hard to build this nation , world .. I think its our task to " Upgrade " , seeing as now we do have the means too

  4. as a matter of fact Sundance .. surprised you haven't noticed that the feds are manipulating regulations and legilation to make this go through (NGP) without anymore hitches .... ie: flubbing up the fisheries act .. also this is NOT good for Canada by any means ... apparently we have a shortage of work .. do to the taps being opened and every player out there wants in on the "dirty oil" scheme , right now ... and are in fact building at break neck speeds , creating a "shortage of worker's within our borders , at the same time taking away from careers of Canadians who have to put food on the table ... once these projects are complete , will be down to minimal workforce / skeleton crews operating said plants ... only to struggle to fill positions when the maintenance problems arise .. which are 100% coming ! In doing so , they are also making it easier for foreign workers to work in Canada now as well . Which to me , a fella who actually reads between lines continually this lines up with Chinas interest and move toward helping build the lines ... mark my words , China's deal to purchase a large volume of the projected supply will in fact include having foreign workers (Chinese) come over here to build the pipeline and terminals included ... after all ... word is they are definately applying to build the components in China in the first place ... also creating a lesser wage cost ..... Please don't kid yourself .... the Conservatives are continuing to be persistent and consecutively pushing through changes in regulations and policies , legislations and acts ... favouring the business' worth and not the environment . Yes there will most definately be Candian jobs , yet the majority of those , alike with every other project will be the construction , which will bottle neck down to the least cost it will take to meet the demand ... its a given ... is 5 yrs of work comparable to the infinate damage to the land and water . Oh and by the way , the Oil Sands record is terrible !! Remember the ducks ? Have you ever seen the Athabasca below Fort Mackay ? Companies only ever make changes after accidents happen ... why they do not anticipate failures nor take precautionary measures until after something happens is sad ... hopefully out of this , someday that part will change .. Yes they plan and budget for this yet , hardly ever do they instinctively do it merely for .." You know , we should just do it , !" I understand , downtime is unpaid time , yet thats the way it is !

    Rick , I have to mention that "No , I truly have not ever sat in a board room meeting , so I truly haven't knowledge of what goes on in there , and I will not claim to do so !" ( and honestly having only been on this forum only a year now , and having read posts on here and word of mouth . I do look forward to meeting you ! You sound like a great guy , with ethics and standards which I consider admirable ! and so does most everyone here ) Truly it has nothing to do with anyone here , we know that !! I do work in the other side of things and am in the work force 100% in the maintenance and construction of the sites , merely 14 yrs now as a Journeyman Welder with the Boilermaker's . And I may truly say without a doubt ... never once in my career has there been a project in Alberta other than new construction and shutdowns /turnarounds / maintenance on the sites here ...

    Truly they should have a cap on the volume of projects at a time , so as to allow worker's ( Canadian's first ) to have stable career's , directly is an economical pro in regards to every other field and industry in our country ie : Schools , Hospitals , Banks , Groceries , Accountants , lawyer's , public servants .... and so on , and so forth ... then look for help else where ... Starting with our sister nation to the south of us ..

    paramount to the approval of anymore projects , safety should be researched in building a more practical means of supplying the products ... As was stated earlier .. more technology has to be investigated and or brainstormed so as to not have these disaster's anymore .. I'm sure I may sound hippyish here , but I'm calling a spade a spade ! We have no more rights to use this rock than the birds , fish , Ungulates and every other living beings on here . We just take over and claim ownership , and do what ever we want to do , unfortunately destroying and or changing the landscape forever , via a temporary "need" we only live 70 - 100 yrs +- , and it changes the face of it for the worth .... EVERYTIME , merely to please our eyes .. regardless of impact of others who actually call it home . And shamefully it is always to make a peice of metal and or paper ... which makes our world go round ... Ever notice , any other living thing on this rock .. struggle through life , yet never once do they earn nor spend a cent in there whole lives , nor do they change anything permanently in doing so including their proginy .... funny that is

  5. I have been in touch with them ... Pieroway ... these guy's have been terribly busy keeping up with everything and as well as their full time lives as well .. just like the rest of us ... may be a lot of gear out , yet they are still a tiny couple of guy's show .. And again , I sure have to say ... These fellas are really being helpful and are actually going to go out of their way to accompany me .. That I have to say is pretty stand up ...Also , anything I may do to help ... I'm in !! They're Canadian , local and very tiny .. One heck of a piece of art they put out , merely a couple of wrinkles as always , but one thing I may say is ... I have had some nice browns and bows on the end of the line in even the coldest of fishable days on this river and the rod is good as new ! A mere malfunction in a guide and I sure understand that these fellas do not manufacture guides .. Beautiful workmanship I am happy to say , same as some of our boat builders on the site , as well as other great rod builders and fly tiers .. reaaly though , I feel like an ass , and have had somewhat of an about face in regards to the little guy's again .... You all are pretty Awesome craftsmen and I for one am all about supporting and promoting great people and products .. built in Canada , made by Canadians , and for the most hellish of extremes , and beautiful conditions we may face in this frozen hostile wasteland ( Carrey ) . A little bit of feedback and working together everyone can shine !!

    As a matter of fact , another member , a buddy of mine has given me the privilidge lately to read an older book " Fishing Dry Flies for Trout on Rivers and Streams " by an Art Lee ( while I'm in between my beloved Gierach books )and in it he maintains " something like , and I'm looking at it right now so as to not directly quote him , " a well travelled American fly fisherman are the most accomplished pract... of the sport anywhere ! " well .. I for one am pretty sure we've a few up here that will give 'em a run for their money ! ( pardon the digression )

    Anyhow , Jeff , Brad .. I apologize .. I'm not perfect , thats for sure .... But I'll keep improving and I will offer you if you've seen this , and any other member on here help in any way ( ok almost anyway ) you need , if its in my capabilities to help you all improve , grow , smile and prosper .

    CJ - Jonathan

  6. Yeah you're right , all rods break that's a "shore" thing , and yes its definately not as useless as i originally sounded like .... i do have a replacement , my TCX and its merely a matter of time ... .. fortunately it has been dry season so i would'nt have used it either , lately ... and it's not my first breakage of rod either ...

    I have definately heard of the turn around times sometimes with the big name brands , yet personally I am not very interested in off the shelf as much as i used too . And given the fact of turn around times , it wouldnt be any different anyhow , I understand that . Another member actually built this work of art , and it is custom and a beauty ! It casts beautiful and handles the heavy lines without a problem at all . After all , I did fall head over heels for it and bought it . I am certainly all for local and smaller companies , and will do my part to support "the little guy " ! I merely feel maybe they still have a part to do as well . I have had plans to learn rod building myself as well , for self growth .. I just haven't had the chance as of yet ... I humbly apologize if I sounded harsh , I do have a habit of coming off a bit ass like , until i think of it later ..lol . No harm intended !

    I am only suggesting , in order for one to promote a company to friends , colleagues and future clientelle , I feel a company has a responsibility to their clients . Past , present , and not just future ... They absolutely did offer help when I finally had gotten ahold of them , yet still waiting for some communication ... and yes , i haven't been sitting and waiting , have left messages even since the original post .... Come on guy's whats up ? any communication is better than none .. I would love to see more Canadians getting in on a share of the market , in all fields , services , and industries ...


  7. Saturday I broke my rod tip , during my first cast of the day ..I sent er sailing across the pool and nearly spearchucked a Brown I was casting too . lol .. Awe sunken heart all right !!! Yet I was out with some friends and had a blast none the less !! :fishing:

    This Morning , monday morning I went to Springbrook Calgary ands was treated promptly , punctually and within 10 minutes I was out the door with a brand new tip , and ready for action again without a missed skip .. ( except yesterday as I am pretty hardcore and only come home to snooze and power up for the next adventure lol . And it was a Sunday so I'm sure they have to fish sometime too ) ........ Really though I just have to give a hats off to TFO and there exceptional service !!!!

    Unfortunately I can't say the same for another local rod company ... yep you guessed it .... It was a cold and dark Sunday on the Bow river in Feb 2012 when I noticed my Scandi line outside of one of my guides on the second section from the tip on my Metal Detector 400 .... So I restrung through all of the guides , scolding self for missing one when I noticed that "that Titanium " guide had snapped right in the middle section of the metal , broke right in half .. the "titanium" guide was now two pieces rather than one continuous spiral ..... Frig i said what the heck ?! ...... some "titanium" !! I thought ..

    So remembering the "Warranty" of the rod I immediately and promptly ceased casting , so as too save the rod and line from getting damged , aned with a somewhat sunken heart I called Pieroway... no answer .. left messages ..... finally about 3 weeks ago I had gotten ahold of them , and was told they would call me right back the following week ... and still nothing !!! I have tried calling and still no answer ... Thought I would share this ... I am definately choked and unhappy regarding service ..

    For an up and coming rod manufacturer and fledgling entrepreneurship , I see a huge failure to communicate in this manner !! I for one am pretty sure I shall never again purchase another rod or any gear from any other than tried and true , in the least definately will heed the reputation .. my bad for giving anyone a chance , even though I hear warnings from others past experiences !!!

    As I type this , my broken rod is beside me and unusable as it has been for nearly four months now .. and will continue to be in this shape for as long as I can imagine ... Some good this is !! So its great that its pretty I suppose , to look on the bright side , guess I spent the money on a display handle totally useless for service .... never again !! :glare:

    If you see this " to whom it may concern " ... could you please get a hold of me , and I will " Shirley" aknowledge here the fact !! ....... maybe ....... if I ever get around to do it !

    One unhappy customer !!

    Jonathan . aka CopperJonny

  8. Hi Dutchie ,

    Ritchie I am wondering if you have any openings left this weekend , I have a couple of buddies who have been following your posts and are dying to get out with ya !! I've shared some experiences and they are frothing at the mouth for Big Browns lol.. They asked me to get ahold of you and see if you are open this weekend or if you are booked... could you please let me know ... thanks Dutchie..

    CJ - Jonathan

  9. Funny how defensiveness flares ignorance !! Personal attacks and vendettas aside ....lets stay on topic seeing as one guide opens his mouth all hell breaks loose lol .

    I for one am not a guide .....I am a flyfisher , river user ....AND Boating enthusiast !

    This topic I believe ( i may be wrong as it was not me to begin it ) yet I'm pretty sure it was geared more towards the idea of the topic name , due to none other than pure ignorance . Aside from that it forked into a couple of directions .. the main one in MY books is environmental footprint . Which unfortunately IS the most important concern to anyone .

    So please spare me the BS about " I can do this or that , just as rightful as you may . So sqrvx off or I'll get EVERYONE in the province riled up !" . ( yeah do that , lets see how that turns out ) the Bow River will definately benefit from that ! just like the other water bodies mentioned ... and once again juvenility shows its face on this forum ...

    Personally I give a rats ass what you do , or ANYONE does . as long as you do it ethically and environmentally friendly . If it can't be done like so .....then yeah , now we have a problem!!

    What is needed is a compromise to make everyone happy ....#1 Respect for other people , #2 Courtesy , #3 Empathy for the ecosystem we use merely for enjoyment ...and what else may we add to this .. ( not necessarily in that order either , just throwing it out there) also what is mentioned above ( some of them )( and possibly not any of my ideas ) just saying .....if its this bad a situation ....then lets get on a round table of sorts and agree on something ... together as users of this resource ... Rules of the River ! Obviously there has to be !! If you don't like it , find another body of water to play in . How about that .

    So please .....don't get off subject , it tends to become reduntant ! And we get know where . Can't we all just get along !?

  10. I grew up operating and being a passenger on boats all of my life .... and one of the fundamental rules of thumb that was taught to me before I ever took the controls . Is the fact of ...when in company of other water users .... And this is on a larger scale body of water , let alone the Bow ...or even Dave's stream in his video . Is the practice of exercising what is universally known among the boating world as a " Courtesy Wake " . Plain and simple , no bones about it those who do not practice it are either ignorant , rude ...or both ! Nothing more , nothing less !!

    IMO on a valuable and resourceful river like the Bow... a "Blue Ribbon Fishery " one of very few river's on this rock left wether man made fishery or not .. is pretty near much a miracle fwiw . I don't believe powered boats should be on it until after it may in the least widen or deepen ... Why the heck would someone who invests into a boat and motor would want to take the chance of ruining a prop .....inexpensive pins , or merely scratch the heck out of there toy is beyond me . I know I don't . Lakes are perfect for that , so much more room , great fishing opportunities , watersports like skiing , tubing etc can be done so much more efficiently ....the are many lakes around that are so much more fun and efficient .....To each their own in that I respect...Just doesnt make any " cents". Regardless .. the destroying of habitat is just unacceptable behavior , thats like riding a quad through playground size patches of dirt . Or buying a big truck to drive on a sidewalk only or in a parking lot.... if one has too do it , as it is there right ....please just simply practice respect and use the " courtesy wake " ! Its obvious there are few pathways along the river sufficient enough to even drive the boat through ....just so happens ... the fish tend to congregate the same areas for a lot of the year . How would someone like it if another animal uses there front yard , backyard " in town" as a major corridor for travel . It would be neat , yet I'm am pretty sure the phone would be picked up and dealt with rather promptly " for childrens sake" by F&W . Either with fences , traps or firearms ! It just wouldnt be tolerated ...come on . There is a place for everything ! Habitat is obviously crucial to the sucess in spawning and rearing of young , and it is very limited , even if they move to smaller streams to do so , they live the majority of there lives in the mainstream ... That river is so tiny compared to most waterways ...... it is just not sensible , not to me anyway...thats my two cents . I merely wanted to point out the " Courtesy wake" . ( and I do get the reality that the majority of the itballs who rip up and down out of pleasure and , despite the disgust of other river user's , and safety of the redds propably wont see this thread , but geeze )....end of transmission . Peace




    Due to the current financial situation caused by the slowdown in the economy, the Government has decided to implement a scheme to put workers of 50 years of age and above on early, mandatory retirement, thus creating jobs and reducing unemployment.


    This scheme will be known as RAPE (Retire Aged People Early).


    Persons selected to be RAPED can apply to the government to be considered for the SHAFT program (Special Help After Forced Termination).


    Persons who have been RAPED and SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW program (System Covering Retired-Early Workers).


    A person may be RAPED once, SHAFTED twice and SCREWED as many times as the government deems appropriate.


    Persons who have been RAPED could get AIDS (Additional Income for Dependants & Spouse) or HERPES (Half Earnings for Retired Personnel Early Severance).


    Obviously persons who have AIDS or HERPES will not be SHAFTED or SCREWED any further by the government.


    Persons who are not RAPED and are staying on will receive as much shiz (Special High Intensity Training) as possible. The government has always prided themselves on the amount of shiz they give our citizens.


    Should you feel that you do not receive enough shiz, please bring this to the attention of your local Member of Parliament who has been trained to give you all the shiz you can handle.


    PS - Due to recent budget cuts and the rising cost of electricity, gas and oil, as well as current market conditions, the Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off.



  12. Great vid man ..... what a great day !

    Odd I know , yet I actually like that tune ...pretty cool . Some of the music on most fishing vids are just awesome . So hard to pin point and or find them though too . Ie: " Metalhead ! Fish Bum adventures , and , 'Off the grid " ....so hard sometimes to find the tunes in the credits etc . Great Post man.

  13. No other sensible choice ......Liberal !( without the unibrow) So what they flub'd a couple billion on the registry , now we know ! At least it was in good faith .... Funny , the PC's are going for this Jet Fiasco , knowing full well WE will be losing tens of Billions more than originally planned ......Aside from that ...the manipulation of regulations and Acts to help inject those few Drunken Cats with even more fat ! (pipelines and oilsands) Is a disgrace !! ...... at the cost of our wilderness .

    As well as attacking the near helpless and aging seniors , who not only helped vote them in , the first place .......Also put their entire lives into helping build and maintain this nation of ours .......Its dispicable , and anyone who doesnt see that , should set an appointment with an opthamologist..

    And " Oh , We want to do whats good for Canadians !" ( NGP) yet terminate 19,000+ positions in their budget , trying to make ends meet ! How about a standing applause for these bunch of winners !!

    DEMOCRACY SUCKS !! Its just better than the other choices.....

  14. I was out on the river for a bit Sunday afternoon , man did it chill down , my bad for under dressing ....still Beauty though ..fish were active until the weather changed too ! However I ended up with a snapped titanium guide within the third section of my MD 400 ....weird....anyhow

    The purpose of this post is , while TroutNV and I were arriving in "secret Southland run" we were happy to learn from a fellow fly fisher who was making his way back slowly to his truck with his boys in tow from a great afternoon's session with his kids ...that the fellow who regularly spincast fishes the canal with live worms and fills his cooler with whichever fish bites the hook , while tipping back some "Kokanee" has finally been busted by the CO's or F&W ( whichever do the arresting ) for poaching !! YeeHaw!!

    Apparently the officer's have been trying to nab this fella for some time . Have been seen hiding behind trees on the east bank spotting for him , and have finally caught the peice of shiz ! Way to go!!

    Awesome news , just thought I will share it !

  15. All this comes down to the purpose of these boards. To me, the purpose is to share information and help people learn how to fish with a fly rod. If we are successful in sharing the information then more people who try the sport will stick to it, and in some cases it may mean more people on "your" river. Good, I say. I can't think of a better thing that could be said of someone than he introduced xx people to fishing. I hope I have a lot of xxx's in my life. Some will be people I took out personally, and I can only hope some will be because of something I said on this board.





    Also as BiggyJ mentioned ... I hope with every "new" visitor to each new stream , as well as every and all streams and lakes , I sure hope that ethics and practices are continually being carried out and taught......stewardship is the only line of defence !

    I hear what you are saying , yet on a rock being over populated as we are , all we may hope for and continue to do is just that !!

    Also another great reason for a populus such as us , to begin doing more , if not as much as we may ... as in ......policeing it ourselves , several fellas on here have helped out , and many more have also helped un announced ....Kudos to all !! Great job guys and gals .....and Thanks !!


  16. Hi all ,

    Managed to get out on the river yesterday for a bit .......trying some new water , another member and I had a great 2012 opener for us.....well my first cast this year anyhow....It was a beauty day and managed my first hefty Brown and Beauty 'Bow to hand on the ole " Metal Detector" 400 ....( bought that off of here;) Thanks Terrance , I am very pleased with your project my man!.... all of this before retiring to the bank to absorb as much of all as I may and rest my back...... ole Nick was picking them off left right and you know....talk about metal detector :) Awesome day Bro !!

    What I'm concerned about is what looks like an avian warzone / massacre site...just downstream of the Ogden area Poop factory , is a tiny trib / creek just slightly upstream of the train bridge on the west bank btween the river and Deerfoot , and Wow .....there must be 50 duck carcasses all throughout this small creek leading and feeding into the Bow ....and that is merely what i saw from the vantage point being the area I had croosed said creek at.... It was pretty erie and I couldnt really shake it..... and I am a Waterfowler through and through....so its like this.....Either someone sat for a morning with a shotgun (highly unlikely), or a flash freeze happened killing a ton of ducks (plausible) ..........or inevitably my fear is chemicals are continuing to be dumped into this tiny creek .....again this is between deerfoot and the river , between the calf rope bridge and the train bridge in Ogden ( near 50th ave overpass) on the west bank.....

    What say you ?? I am going to report this , not sure who to speak to , but this isn't right.....whatever it is , is in the mighty Bow as well... and testing should be done ....there are a lot of carcasses through there and is highly unnatural !! May this be considered my first alert and unofficial report to anyone about this....

    Can you help me , or please point me in the right direction to solving this !!?! Thanks in advance!


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