Besides the obvious changes that the flooding brought, I have noticed that the average size fish I have been catching seems smaller then in years past. I have been catching just or near as many fish as I am use to, and they all seem very healthy. I am guessing I have fished the Oldman, Livingstion and tribs 15 times this year, catching lots of fish, but what would smaller on average. On Michel Ceek, a stream I don't remember catching many cutty's below 14" and always a few over 16", I only had 1 fish over 13" and many 8-12", and I caught as many as I ever have. Even on the Bow, I am catching fish 6-8" taking my fly tight to the bank, I don't recall it as often before.
I had assumed larger fish were in a better position to survive a flood like the one we just had, but perhaps it's the smaller fish that are able to survive/adapt better? Maybe it's just that the flood put more small fish in to the main river systems? Could just be me also though, and I was just courious if others noticed a similar trend. I have caught some larger fish, and saw a 23-25" rainbow in a pool Sunday, so I know there is still larger size fish left... Just that my average fish seems noticeably smaller.