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    4 mins from bow

JONJON's Achievements

Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Yes, i think they are made in kenya.... there okay, but you get what you pay for...the westwinds fly are a little more cash but great quality and better selection.. Icky flys rock too... oneday the white jamaician fly's will rock too....
  2. wholesale flys are cheap for a reason.....took me lots to figure this out.. the lure of cheap got me for a while... now westwinds gets my money... youll notice the difference...j
  3. I was wondering about fishing early morning... i have been out at like 7ish am ,but now i have a window of time from like 5am to 7am to fish every morning for a while. is it too early for streamers and dry flies, should i nymph? i was thinking of some early morning streamer action...and than i thought do fish sleep...no.. could be wrong...any way i was just wondering what people do early morning when they first get to the bow?
  4. Hi there, recently bought a truck and 22 foot komfort trailer.. been driving around the neighbor hood practising driving...think in early july going to be ready to go camping....problem is little scared..need tofind a campsite in the crownest pass with lots of room for me to park this thing and a campsite(not lost lemon) that take trailers.. have been to allison creek.. tent only not sure if they take trailers.also have camp at beaver mines like them both.. but how is trailer access to both.....and are there any other good site close to lakes or river with good access for trailers....jon
  5. howdy went up to the elbow highway 8 .... she's ragging...and dark.....still had fun... lots of good spot's when she calms down.....almost step on a past out native guy in the bush's.. tried to make me give him some cash....crap..got angry until he figured out i'm 6'8 275 pounds but still fun..tried a nice white wooly under strike, missed a couple...jon
  6. i went to the megachains, like superstore and costco and there prices where fantastic......but for some reason i could not support the MEGASTORES and ended up going out to a place off symon valley road called Starburn nurseries....support the little man with beautiful and helpful plans....
  7. if you live in ogden and was out around 5ish, howdy me thinks i say you....
  8. Hi there looking at tree prices from the big stores i almost died... trees are worth there weight in tree's...anyone know a local nurserie or a guy that can get a good deal on a few trees and bush'ss...jon
  9. Howdy, i was wondering if there are any window guys or know of a good window company in town.. my 7by5 living room window crack. the inside pane only, but evertime the sun hits it, it crack some more...dont even know how much this will cost? have home insurance($1000) deductalbe...
  10. more.....
  11. Howdy i've been leech crazy too....
  12. Howdy for the last couple days, i have been trying to set up a couple of small computer fans and run them to a on/off switch and to a ac/dc power source so i can cool my beloved thome theater system down, most of the componment are in a small 2 door cabinet with a closed back and i was hoping to cut holes(no problem) and suck the hot air out, my problem is not the holes, i pretty sure i am going to burn my house down or seriously zap my self. i am not real good with stuff like that, i have come close to it working then nothing, have tried a million different things and i think i have burned out my fans...So the bottom line is i need some help. Any electrcailly gifted fly fisherman out there that could help??need help willing to pay(nothing weird) and pretty cheap for i am having(wife) baby soon..JON
  13. Howdy, i was wondering the best place to go to get some parts to install a little system to cool down my av cabinet. I think i need a couple of small quiet fans and a thermostat and power source. cheaply i hope, i think i can put it all together, but not sure where to go to get it..Princess auto, memory express or maybe a place with a system already built....cheap again...or maybe a electronic supply store....JON
  14. JONJON


    My body is a temple, all natural for this brother being from the island of Jamaica mon....
  15. JONJON


    Howdy i went to wholesale looking for the some DNA and they look at me like i was smoking rock, never heard of it and ended the conversation and walked away... not sure if i'll go back there..right....where does one buy DNA? and started looking at Bows for hunting and was told i'm too big and neeed a custome bow, think i'll stick to fishing...jonjon
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