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Posts posted by PrarieCreekFlyer

  1. Allo!


    If anyone is fishing the Ram River from the mainline access. I dropped a Fenwick Big 150 i think its called its loaded with a Type 3 Sink Tip SA line. White backing. If any happens across it please PM me it would be greatly appreciated.




    Thanks Mike

  2. Birchy,


    I bought a pair of Wright and McGills at 200 $ came with thin booties that are awesome. Built in gravel guards, double seam stitching and and back support belt. Hands down the best deal ive seen so far. Ive used approx 20-25 times and have trudged through some pretty bushie bush stuff and have waded on my knees into some brown pools and have had 0 leaks and no signs of wear anywhere on the waiders.




    Regards Mike

  3. Any crazy kids out there want to put a step by step out there for a tatarantula style bug. Ive been fishing these for a few weeks and found out the true fishing values of these and want a good step by on it.




    Regards Mike

  4. Man do I love watching master tiers hands in action. You can tell they slowed down for the camera so guys like me can see what they are doing. I can onl;y dream to become 1/10th the tier guys like Lefty are.





    Regards Mike

  5. Well Taco,



    Good luck to you. If its crownland, Im pretty sure its gonna go by the wayside. To much $ involved in the ATV trade to see any serious actions taken by the government. Best case scenarios are......................... They see whos riding it..then check thier plates and if they are registered andnot stolen they will be given a lecture on the hazrd of riding to fast with a beer in hand :(



    Regards Mike

  6. Hey Mike,

    I think for the maiden voyage you should put it in at Prairie Creek, start at Strachan and don't stop till you hit the Clearwater. :D





    Far to many log jams and deadfall 3 inches off the water untill you get behind mitchell lake and that area then i believe alot of that is cleared up.

    I think a good float would be from Quallys Corner to cleawater and to the Confluence of the North Sask.


    Regards Mike

  7. Well im gonna have to start this out with a MY WIFE IS THE GREATEST not only cause shes watching me but she gave me $1300 dollars that shes saved up over the last 6 months with her new job to go buy a pontoon boat.


    SO I went to WSP in Calgary and bought http://www.waterskeeter.com/enlarge/lg_klamath_lp.jpg even though it was far less than she gave me (i didnt want to spend all her hard earned money.



    I can not wait untill the water goes down on the clearwater and the North Sask. to really put it through its paces. It is so freakin awesome I did an hour worth of rowing on my lawn after i set it up to test out the strategic positioning of the BEER holder.


    This weekend is gonna be awesome no wallowing around in the belly boat for me!!!!!111



    (lucky bastard)


  8. Guys,


    While I'd really like to judge the biggest boobs contest. How about who does the most for the fishery in Alberta? Maybe with some reward, there might be an interest.





    Well Dad just got home and killed our fun...........



    but seriously thats great idea Don.

  9. post-350-1181598967_thumb.jpgCaught this lil babie up behind Abraham Dam when I was 12 and since I was a hillbilly kid the 60 pounder in the right hand was used during the cooking process!!!!!!! Was looking through pictures with my dad and found this picture.


    PS anyone know how long a 60 pounder of RR is trying to get an estimate of its length all i know it was the biggest brook trout Ive ever caught.

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