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Posts posted by PrarieCreekFlyer

  1. Mohair thread? Never even seen it. I use mohair dubbing for mine. What is this thread you speak of???




    Uni Thread makeas a thread that is basically a really long dubbing loop through it in your bobbin and go to town. Looks awesome easy to use but im still thinking marabou will do better but the thread looks so much more durable.




  2. Hijack,


    Im trying Mohair thread on the bodys for some leeches has anyone had any luck using the Mohair in these patterns. I like it turns a 3 minute tie into a 2 minute tie :) but, havent been using the mohair leeches yet this season.



  3. I absolutely love my TFO rods and their warranty, but their decision not to adjust Canadian pricing to get significantly closer to US following the runup of the Canadian dollar is truly puzzling to me.


    Because the rods were built at the ol price and TFO hasnt sold the old stock yet?




  4. Brent,


    Yes to all of the above ill give em a whirl soon as im done my last few double bunnies. Once i get the box done ill take a pic.

    Ty for the input.



  5. Ive got 12 open spots left in my bunny box left to fill in (that arent being filled with double bunnys or ganders or matsukas or zonkers) im targeting bullies and large broonies with this box. Anyone got any god patterns to try? (anyone know what bunny pattern Humblefisherman uses in the bulltrout video is called)



    Regards Mike

  6. I think this would be a great time for a shout out to DBT for puttin this on. He did it last year and alas its gone for other reasons.

    Thank you DBT for putting this on and thanks to the tiers that put there name in the ranks and good luck to the winner.



    Regards Mike

  7. Fishpond have really great practical fly vests.


    I promised myself I'll get one this year.




    Just watch the zipper handles and make sure they dont have any lilttle slots in in them. I bought a fishpond jacket and my tippet and leader were constantly geting caught up in it while switching flys, and even sometimes my 4 weight line when wading. The vest other that that was great. I since switched to a springbrook Ghillie vest which is awesome,



    Regards Mike

  8. Hugs all around. ;)


    Don't foregt the annual winter solstice fishing day sked for either Dec 21 or Dec 22. Actual solstice (when the Earth's axis tilts the most away from the Sun) is at 6:08 AM UTC which makes it 11:08 PM on Dec 21 here. So the actual instance of solstice is Dec. 21. BUT Dec 22 is a Saturday so we may opt for a the Saturday.


    The past solstice fish ins have been a ton o' fun.



    Crows nbest again I had to work last year so i hit the 19 lol. If i can make the 22 on the crowsnest im in like Flynn


    Regards Mike

  9. Birchy,


    Chances are your 3 wieght is rated as a 4 weight or a soft 5 as it is a TiCr so goin with a 4 F weight line is probably a good idea my 2 cents from what ol'boys have told me about these new fangled rods. Think about where and where your gonna be casting these lines and to what your gonna be casting too.



    Regards Mike

  10. Would have been quicker but everytime we tried to get near him with a net he'd make a hard run and there was no stoppin it. Also if I would have even thought there was a 28 inch fish in there I would have had 2x and my 7 weight rod, but hey its not everyday you get to hook set anything like this let alone plan on it.

  11. Allo!


    If anyone is fishing the Ram River from the mainline access. I dropped a Fenwick Big 150 i think its called its loaded with a Type 3 Sink Tip SA line. White backing. If any happens across it please PM me it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Mike



    Well I have to say the poster above me is a dumb SOB it was in his shed...............



    Regards Mike

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