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Everything posted by chamebrs03

  1. that picture has been flloating around for years! that pike isnt even that big! if you think that pike is big, look at how big the lure is! theres no way in hell that pike is even that big!
  2. yeah they traded phanuef to the maple leafs for 4 guys
  3. So trading phanuef may have been the best move that darrell sutter has made. The guy was making 6 millin a year!! With the numbers hes putting up this year, i belive toronto got screwed over. Like now we have a whole new forward line and a new defenceman (white) that is making way less then phanuef and is putting twice the numbers! Not to mention his plus minus is even better the Dion Shitnuef. So by trading pahnuef we have an extra 4 millin in cap room and there for could trade these new guys and accuire a new better dion. There best bet would be to trade for a new backup! as kippersof will play 60-75 games this season they should have a good back up who can play 30 games a season so that kipper can rest and is ready to go for the playofs so we dont get kicked out in the first two rounds.
  4. Anyone whos served there time should be allowed to play. How would you feel if back when you were young you did something stupid like get a DUI. Then you go back to play your sport or get a new job once your time is served and such. Then your boss/manager tells you that you cant play be a part of this organization due to one dumb choice in your life. Put yourself in his shoes before you are all so quick to decide. We all make mistakes. And unless your perfect which i doubt then dont be saying he dosnt deserve to play again. If someone has paid for what theyve done then why not??? If a guy can acctually do something good and you take it away from him.. its like telling a doctor to go be a miner because you dont like him.. what does that accomplish? Like you take away something from someone and its all they have, thats when people start to drink and do drugs. Then yet again if you start rejecting this guy and you cant even play the sport.. Like seriously he deserves the spot over you.
  5. Some people like to use a hummingbird smart cast and just tie the little device to your boat and wear the watch. Its easy and portable. The monitor is a watch and the device its self is about the same size. Designed so you can cast them in to shore or out ot the depths. Ive had guys tell me they tie them on to there belly boat and just let it drag. Wont add any extra weight and they retail for around 150-200 bucks. depending on where you look.
  6. everyone deserves the right to play!
  7. id much rather catch 5 whitefish in a day then nothing at all! a fish is a fish. If youd rather go out and catch one tiny trout over 5 decent sized white fish then your MOD EDIT BBT
  8. the rod i would reccomend is the sage xi3 or a greys saltwater platnium xd. Both are extremlyt action and have amazing backbone. id use them in a 9 weight because then they are versatile tto permit, jack and baracuda if you run ito them. then when you get back to canada head out to the west coast for some salmon!
  9. i carry reel lube but i dont use it on my reel.
  10. in my personal opinion sa line4s are absoulte garbege. Sharkskin should just be called forskin. It gets gross and rough if you dont wash it. And the only way to go is rio! Every rio line is better then any cortland or sa line ever made. The rio main stream is 10 times the line the gpx or forskin is :$*%&:
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