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Everything posted by Orvis

  1. In the third and final part of Tom's series on reading the water, Tom explains how to use lessons learned in the previous two podcasts to help you catch more fish. Learn how to best fish boulders and sweepers. Next week: leaders and their importance. If you have a suggestion for a future podcast, would like to make a comment or would like to subscribe to this podcast, please visit www.orvis.com/podcast. Download the podcast directly at: http://media.libsyn.com/media/orvisffguide/OFFGP3.mp3View the full article
  2. In this, the second part of a three part series on reading the water, Tom discusses basic river hydraulics and how just knowing a few simple rules will help you a lot on the river. Next week, Tom will teach us how to apply what we have learned in the "Reading the Water" series. Tom will discuss his approach to boulders and sweepers... what is a sweeper? Find out next week! If you have a question or suggestion for a future installment of The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast, visit www.orvis.com/podcast. Download the podcast directly at: http://media.libsyn.com/media/orvisffguide/OFFGP2.mp3View the full article
  3. In this, the second part of a three part series on reading the water, Tom discusses basic river hydraulics and how just knowing a few simple rules will help you a lot on the river. Next week, Tom will teach us how to apply what we have learned in the "Reading the Water" series. Tom will discuss his approach to boulders and sweepers... what is a sweeper? Find out next week! If you have a question or suggestion for a future installment of The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast, visit www.orvis.com/podcast. Download the podcast directly at: http://media.libsyn.com/media/orvisffguide/OFFGP2.mp3 Click to view the original Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast article.
  4. In this, the second part of a three part series on reading the water, Tom discusses basic river hydraulics and how just knowing a few simple rules will help you a lot on the river. Next week, Tom will teach us how to apply what we have learned in the "Reading the Water" series. Tom will discuss his approach to boulders and sweepers... what is a sweeper? Find out next week! If you have a question or suggestion for a future installment of The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast, visit www.orvis.com/podcast. Download the podcast directly at: http://media.libsyn.com/media/orvisffguide/OFFGP2.mp3View the full article
  5. Welcome to the first podcast of The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide with Tom Rosenbauer! Each week we will be bringing you a fly fishing tip to help you get the most of your time on the water. This week we start a three part series on "reading the water" to help find fish. In this episode, Tom speaks to how knowing the basic survival needs and behaviors of trout can help you become a better angler. Next week, Tom will cover basic hydraulics with a few simple rules about the way water moves in a river and how trout react to that movement. If you would like to suggest a topic for a future podcast, send us feedback or subscribe to The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast, please visit www.orvis.com/podcast. Download the podcast directly at: http://media.libsyn.com/media/orvisffguide/OFFGP1.mp3View the full article
  6. Welcome to the first podcast of The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide with Tom Rosenbauer! Each week we will be bringing you a fly fishing tip to help you get the most of your time on the water. This week we start a three part series on "reading the water" to help find fish. In this episode, Tom speaks to how knowing the basic survival needs and behaviors of trout can help you become a better angler. Next week, Tom will cover basic hydraulics with a few simple rules about the way water moves in a river and how trout react to that movement. If you would like to suggest a topic for a future podcast, send us feedback or subscribe to The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast, please visit www.orvis.com/podcast. Download the podcast directly at: http://media.libsyn.com/media/orvisffguide/OFFGP1.mp3 Click to view the original Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast article.
  7. Welcome to the first podcast of The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide with Tom Rosenbauer! Each week we will be bringing you a fly fishing tip to help you get the most of your time on the water. This week we start a three part series on "reading the water" to help find fish. In this episode, Tom speaks to how knowing the basic survival needs and behaviors of trout can help you become a better angler. Next week, Tom will cover basic hydraulics with a few simple rules about the way water moves in a river and how trout react to that movement. If you would like to suggest a topic for a future podcast, send us feedback or subscribe to The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast, please visit www.orvis.com/podcast. Download the podcast directly at: http://media.libsyn.com/media/orvisffguide/OFFGP1.mp3View the full article
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