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Everything posted by Busey

  1. I checked my fishing logs from the 2005 flood. The Bow peaked around 500 cubic m/s then. This time it hit 1500 cubic m/s. Yep 3X larger than 2005. Wow.
  2. Awesome. Thanks for all the input and info.
  3. Is there a preferred lens colour for fishing? Thinking of getting a new pair of sunglasses.
  4. Gary Busey....need I say more?
  5. Just wondering what type of connection you guys use? Nail knot, loop-to-loop connection? Pros and cons? I've always gone with a nail knot connection even with looped flyline and might try a loop-to-loop connection with my new line. Thanks in advance. Busey
  6. Do yourself a favour and leave the quad at home. You won't need it and you'll save on gas hauling it around. There are lots of spots where you can just park your truck, hike the river/creek/lake for 30 min and get the remote wilderness fishing experience you are looking for.
  7. Busey

    May Long Fishing

  8. Nice variation.
  9. Thems looks good. I picked up a few browns on Saturday with my rubber leg CJs.
  10. I tie them in one at a time. Lay down two wraps of thread over the dubbing then tie in each leg one at time. Dub over the leg tie in point and then dub forward to the bead.
  11. Busey


    I use biot legs on some of my stones as well. The gay stones (not that there is anything wrong with that) still catch fish.
  12. I used Arizona dubbing-light peacock.
  13. Thanks guys. With this crap weather I'll be hittin' the vise all weekend and cranking out some more.
  14. Bought the book "Barr Flies". It's quite good. Here are some of my attempts at the rubber leg copper john.
  15. Busey


    I've always used a C-clamp. Always wondered what a pedestal would tie like though.
  16. I believe there was some partisan politics going on (I think she was a liberal appointtee-not chosen by the conservatives obviously). You're right, I don't believe the PCs benefit from this at all-but I feel the decision was a political one (the wrong one in my mind)-they chose to restart an unsafe reactor in order to provide isotopes.
  17. More qualified than Gary: "A certified journeyman carpenter, Minister Lunn has designed and built numerous homes"- taken from his ministerial bio
  18. Her job was to oversee the safety of Canadians. She is qualified to make decisions based on nuclear safety. The plant was running at 1000X the acceptable risk. She shut down the plant and did the right thing. As far as I know Gary Lunn doesn't have a PhD in nuclear physics-this was a political move-and is not qualified to make these types of decisions. Harper's my way or the highway approach.
  19. Busey

    Sept 30th

    Nice one. LOL. I'm sure it did.
  20. Busey

    Sept 30th

    He hit like a tonne of lead and nearly ripped the rod out of my hand. I was fast stripping a maroon woolly bugger and he hit on the pause. Strong head shakes, aerial acrobatics....it was a lot of fun, hence the big smile on my face.
  21. Busey

    Sept 30th

    Hit a special lake to day with a friend and landed a few nice ones. Here's one of 'em.
  22. Springsteen, hands down.
  23. F*&@in' idiots.
  24. OK...so I'm gonna give it a try. Here's my set up: 6wt with 12ft sink tip, 8lb mono, steal leader and some big ass flies. Also will have my floating line for some topwater action. Can't wait. Will post some pics. Good call about straightening out the rod to break off the fish if necessary.
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